Sunday, February 17, 2013

All About Seizure Alert Dogs

By Kerry Ross

Seizure alert dogs provide assistance for owners who have epilepsy. These are canines who have the ability to sense an impending seizure. By giving out warnings, their owners can go someplace where he or she can get assistance. They are especially trained to help keep their owners safe during an epilepsy attack.

The seizures can have different intensities and can sometimes cause someone to lose consciousness. Because they are unpredictable, those who have epilepsy may have to give up some of the things they regularly do. This can mean giving up a job or even a simple task such as driving. By having such a canine, one can prepare for the impending attack.

Such a canine can be trained what to do during the attack. For example, he can be taught how to get in touch with someone if his owner needs medical help. He can also learn how to lead his owner away from dangerous areas and how to get objects that may cause injury away from his owner. He can provide support if his owner is physically weak from the ordeal.

A trained animal may resort to a variety of actions in order to warn his owner. He may start barking or pawing. He may whine frequently or make sure that he is with his owner all time. It is not yet fully understood how these canines know that a seizure is going to happen. The accuracy of their alerts has not been studied extensively as well.

These animals not only help during seizures, owners can also benefit from the emotional support they provide. They can be the ideal companions for children who are having difficulty coping with the condition. They can provide the help when needed but at the same time allow his owner a certain degree of independence.

Because not all canines can be trained for this type of task, they can come at a high price. In fact, one such animal can cost you several thousands of dollars. If you are interested in owning one, make sure to check the background and records of the organization you will be buying from.

You can get such a canine through the usual purchasing process. There are also organizations that give you one if you can raise the agreed upon amount. There are waiting lists for parties who cannot afford the usual rates.

Acquiring this canine is not only about evaluating his skills. His temperament and attitude towards people are also important factors that have to be assessed. With the right personality, he can help keep his owner safe and provide emotional support in challenging situations. The would be owner should consider the needs of the dog and how he will be able to provide it.

Seizure alert dogs provide a lot of assistance to individuals who are susceptible to seizures. They can warn their owners before it occurs and make sure that they do not get injured during one. They can also be taught how to contact medical professionals when there is a need. There are already organizations that concentrate on providing these specially trained canines.

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