Saturday, February 16, 2013

Training Your Dog in A Few Easy Steps

By Megan Smith

While most people know that training sessions can greatly improve dogs' behaviors, few are confident in their ability to take on the responsibility alone. They just don't know the right methods. The key to training dogs is that you have to expand your knowledge on methods and ways you can train your dogs to know how to properly train them. Read through this article to learn many helpful training strategies and ideas.

If you plan on training your dog, try looking at dog training resources like books and magazines that pertain to your specific breed. Learn from others who have trained the same breed. Build a strategy around your dog's breed.

Crates need to be treated as the dog's second home. You should put their food in the crate when they eat, but leave the door open. This will give your dog a positive association with the crate.

Learn what your dog's signals are in order to prevent future accidents indoors. Most dogs go through a serious of behaviors when they need to go to the bathroom. By knowing this pattern, you could take your pet outside right away, which would teach him appropriate behaviors. If you learn your dog's natural signs, you will have an easier time house training your dog.

Pay attention to your surroundings when your dog starts barking. Knowing what triggers the behavior can help you deal with it constructively. For instance, if your pet barks when it sees visitors come into your house, have a friend go to your house more in order to address this type of behavior.

When you train ball-fetching to your dog, prove yourself the leader in the relationship by forcing your dog to return to you with the ball always. If you pick up a ball that you're dog drops, then your dog will believe he is in charge. When you teach your dog to do this, he will know what to do with it all the time.

It is possible to designate a specific indoor area for elimination, as well. Line the area with potty pads and slowly shrink the size of the spot until just one potty pad designates the exact spot you have set aside for their use.

Everything you've learned from this article will go a long way in ensuring the success of your training sessions. You have learned some good information here, but remember to expand your knowledge with new information and use it when you can so you can begin seeing results soon.

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