Monday, February 18, 2013

Keeping Your Pet Busy With African Grey Toys

By Kerry Ross

The house could sometimes become so boring more so when there is no one to keep it lively and lighten up the always very quiet environment. This is the reason as to why most people prefer keeping some pet to keep them company when they are lonely. The pets are sometimes fun to be around more so the active pets like the African Grey birds. This particular pet enjoys human company a lot as it loves to play around and dislikes being lonely. However, when no one is around, the bird can always be kept busy with some well made African Grey toys which will keep it from boredom.

The African grey particularly is a very active pet and can never survive in a lonely environment. It loves to perk and scratch and if left alone and given the freedom to move within the house could turn out to be destructive more so to the cushions and the wooden furniture. This has always been a popular complain among many keepers of this bird.

However, when provided with the right toys to keep it busy when no one is home to keep it company, it turns out to be one of the easiest birds to keep. Proper feeding, clean environment and a few dolls to play around with would always do quite fine.

Most of these toys are acquired commercially in the toy shops. They are designed to allow and the fowl to peck without actually harming it. Some also come with the African Grey feeds like sunflower corns placed inside them for the bird to find when it opens it apart.

The pet needs not to be left alone, and dolls can help one to keep the pet quite busy. The toys are easily available and can be purchased at the several commercial shops. The dolls are well made to keep the bird busy, allowing it to tear it apart piece by piece without causing any harm to it. However, the commercial dolls will in the long run cost one a penny. They are not all that cheap and could end up keeping the fowl an expensive ordeal.

One does not have to buy the expensive toys since it is quite easy to make one very effective toys at a cheaper cost. The bird generally loves to tear up barely everything; one can simply improvise anything that looks like the commercial toys, train it how to play with it and off, they are good to go.

Another method is by using chopsticks tied together. A piece of rolled tissue paper can be used between the chopsticks to give it give it something more to chew on. However, care has to be taken to ensure that the bird does not try to eat up the chopsticks.

Generally, the African Grey toys help keep the bird busy when no one is home. They also help to keep them safe from self harm by plucking off their own feathers which they often do when bored. Sometimes some food can be put within the dolls for the bird to feed on as it plays. This also helps in the feeding the bird making its upkeep an overall easy process.

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