Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finding A Reputable Saint Bernard Breeder Is A Wise Idea

By Jennie Sandoval

Now that you have decided to get a dog, there are a few things to bear in mind. It is important to outline the reasons for wanting a canine family member. Remember that getting a puppy is easy, it's the upkeep of him once he has matured that5 many people fail to consider. If you are certain getting a pup is what you want, you may want to consider locating a Saint Bernard breeder.

Many families have dedicated chores which need to be done around the house. Having another member of the family to take care of is going to add to the chores of the family and someone will need to take responsibility. Many people forget that a dog cannot tidy up after himself or pick up his mess and that someone else is going to have to do it.

Take care as to what breed you get in. Many people tend to think that it is the bigger breed that needs a spacious property to run in and play around. This is not always true, however, at the same time you do not want to restrict any animal from running around and exercising.

A nice type of dog to go for if you are into the bigger breed of animal is the Saint Bernard. They are of a giant breed and come with pleasant natures. Remember that dogs are very social animals and will need a lot of attention. They will want to belong to a pack, therefore they will need companionship from other family members too.

Before rushing out to buy your new pooch, do a bit of research as to the requirements of such a dog. Find out from the breeder if they have special requirements and ask to see the parents of the puppy you are purchasing. This way you will be able to see what your baby is going to look like when he grows up.

On the day you go to get your new addition, be sure to get all the documentation pertaining to his breeding. Generally thoroughbreds come with paper work. One more thing to remember before taking him home is to give him a thorough checking to see if he is well. No one wants to take home an ill animal.

The Saint Bernard pup is not going to be a small animal. They tend to grow in both directions. This dog will need a lot of exercise and a lot of grooming. Although they have thick coats, a normal hard bristle brush will get through their coats easily and you should be able to groom him quite well.

There is nothing cuter than a puppy, and bringing your little guy home can only mean one thing, and that is excitement. If you are fully committed to looking after a new dog, and are certain that your work and social schedule can handle it, then you will need to decide on a breed. If you are looking for a big, friendly giant, then you would do well seeking a Saint Bernard breeder.

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