Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oklahoma Pomeranian Breeders Are Specialists In Their Field

By Kathryn Neal

There is nothing difficult about falling madly in love with this little breed of dog. The best place to find the perfect one is with the Oklahoma Pomeranian breeders. Their reputation exceeds them to all corners of the world. The health of their dams and sires and the litters they produce is proof of that fact.

These little ones can be adopted within a few miles or flown around the country. Families seek out these breeders because they know how much care goes into every pup. These pups are tested for every imaginable illness and they are not allowed to be sold until their breeders are satisfied they meet all criteria. A Pomeranian from Oklahoma will live many long and happy years as part of your family.

Pomeranian breeders in this state go several steps beyond what you would find in your average puppy mill. All dogs are carefully checked for illness and temperament to ensure all of their offspring will be the 'pick of the litter.' Everything in regard to these breeders is way above standard in every regard and the love they have for their animals cannot be duplicated.

Their love of animals makes it easy for them to recognize the love a potential owner will have. Despite all the precautions they take, an animal can fall ill due to hereditary, genetic, or congenital diseases that cannot be found when the pup is born. They cannot replace your loss, but they will replace at no cost any puppy that is lost the first year due to such a problem. They want you to have a long and lasting relationship with your pet.

Still, there is only so much even the quality breeders can do. Once the puppy is turned over to you, its care becomes your responsibility. No breeder can be expected to keep tabs on whether the animal gets its yearly vaccinations, and is properly fed and groomed. Even the healthiest of dogs needs to be examined once a year by a licensed veterinarian.

Everything an Oklahoman breeder can do, they will provide for their puppies. No one wants you to have a happy and healthy pup more than they do. They pride themselves in the condition their kennels are kept providing a safe and sterile environment. Dams and sires are bred only at an age where they will produce the best litters.

At just a few days old the are examined by a veterinarian for any sign of illness. When age appropriate, they are given shots that will protect them from disease that dogs are known to get like distemper, and parvovirus. They will romp and play with the others and learn to become social animals.

Oklahoma Pomeranian breeders supply new owners with all medical records and registration papers. Puppies are not placed for sale until they are eight weeks old and a minimum of two pounds. The only thing these people cannot guarantee is how quickly you will fall in love with these adorable pets.

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