Friday, May 17, 2013

The Changing Of The Medical Landscape With The Help Of Stem Cell Treatment Centers

By Jennie Sandoval

The revolutionary therapy is beginning to make its mark in modern medicine. The rise of stem cell treatment centers are a testament to it. Those who are beginning to call on these things have been very generous for the mean time. This is a type of intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells to a damaged tissue to help in the recovery.

This has been ongoing for thirty years, but has received recent media attention because of the ethical issues that are connected to it. This have been used in treating patients with cancer, lymphoma and leukemia. So far, these have been much more effective than subjecting the patients to the deadly chemo therapy that has been proven to also kill the good cells.

It has been a candidate for the potential tending of the damage in the brain. The brain trauma may lead to the loss of brain cells which would affect the function of the brain. This may also be of help for those that have degenerative diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers. The technique has been reported to have created a powerful protection for the cells of the brain.

The development of the treatments have also been beneficial for the cancer patients who have been mainly dependent on the chemotherapy for the tending. This presents them with an alternative tending that they can have. The conventional techniques are what makes these a bit more appealing to those who are desperate for the cure.

The United Food and Drugs Administrative has given a license to the Geron corporation for the clinical trials of these medical technique back in two thousand and nine. It was then aimed at a individual client that has endured from spinal cord injury that has the patient unable to move for the past year. There are of course other individual who necessity to make some of these things.

Cancer is a dreaded disease that has killed millions of people for the longest time. There have been some initiatives in the learning of these diseases. The methods have helped in solving the itnra cranial tumors that have affected some areas in the body. Many researchers believe that this could be the cure for cancer.

People who have experienced from a skeletal structure cord trauma have considered this method to treat the areas that are affected by it. A team of Korean researchers have transplanted the healthy living organism to a patient that was suffering from the spinal cord injury. After the procedure, the patient was able to walk on her own without difficulty.

The success rate for the growth of the newer organisms and tissues are said to vary between twenty five to seventy percent. This technique has also been repeatedly demonstrated in the top universities in the United States. This should result to dramatic improvements in the vision that many people feel that they need.

The practice is said to being spread in the area. The stem cell treatment centers are still on their way to be approved by the World Health Organization. This should be the future of medicine in the future.

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