Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Things To Learn For Havanese Puppies For Sale

By Jennie Sandoval

There are many things that the person will have to check up on if he is interested in buying those Havanese puppies for sale in the market. If he has a thorough understanding on these dogs, then he should be able to take care of them for the better. This is also for the benefit of the dogs that he will adopt.

When he is planning to buy the said dogs, the best thing that one will have to consider is the country of the origin of these dogs. The said dogs have many names they go under but they basically originated in Cuba. They have a lengthy history and their existence has been actually prevented from running extinct.

It is also essential for the individual to consider what the current size of his dog would be. This is actually a measure of how normal the said dog is. For the height, it is only normal for the dog to actually be eleven inches tall. For the weight, the said dog is allowed to reach thirteen pounds in average.

The said dogs should also consider the coat that they are wearing. Everyone of these dogs have several varieties. There are those that have the short-haired coat while there are those that have the wavy and curly type. Some of these dogs are even considered to have corded hair but they are considerably rare.

It will also help him a lot if he can thoroughly understand what the character of the dog would be. The said dog is usually playful, happy-go-lucky, lively, and intelligent. They easily show their own deep affection to the human family who adopted them. Not only that, they do get very attached to their human family.

In terms of the dog's temperament, the dog is actually good-natured. It is also due to their intelligence that they are easily trained. For the dog, they should be able to respond to their trainer since especially when they are given positive reinforcements. They also do with the pleasant tones of voice.

It is very vital for the person to take the chance to educate himself on how to take care of the said dogs. The coat of these dogs should be combed or brushed at least twice a week thoroughly. Those excessive hair around the dog's pads should be properly clipped too.

There is also a need for the person to consider the training of the said dogs. While they may be eager to please, positive reinforcement is still the best. There was even a time for these dogs to appear in various circus acts. Their eagerness can even be attributed to their high level of intelligence.

Know that the Havanese puppies for sale are also good apartment dogs. They can still be playful and lively even when they are kept indoors. They do not even need a yard to play. Just make sure to walk them on a daily basis. This is a necessary exercise for them so he should do it properly.

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