Thursday, May 16, 2013

When Seeking Assistance With Aggressive Dog Training Orange County Canine Handlers Can Help

By Jennie Sandoval

Everybody loves getting a new puppy. It is exciting to do something like this for your family but there are some things to look out for before going out and getting a pooch. The way in which you raise your pup will play a large part in his personality, however breed is also a deciding factor. If you are in need of aggressive dog training Orange County trainers are there to help you and your pup every step of the way.

For many people, getting a dog for protection is a prime reason. You may find that your neighborhood requires you to have a guard dog. If this is the reason for you getting a canine, you would do well looking at breeds that are known to have a certain temperament.

Should you be looking for an aggressive breed, you are advised to do a bit of research before just going out and purchasing a pup. Find out from your local animal clinic where you could get hold of a breeder who deals with breed you are looking for. A pooch that shows signs of aggression will most likely bark profusely at strangers and rush at the gate when anyone who makes an attempt to get through.

For many people these dogs are what they need for various reasons. One will recognize a threatening dog as soon as you see it. When buying such an animal it is always a good idea to get them trained. This is especially good for protection purposes. An unruly, aggressive animal can be very dangerous if untrained.

Should you be looking for such a puppy, you would be wise to look up a breeder who specializes in such dogs. When you go to see the pups you should immediately be able to see an aggressive dog. He will be the one who barks more and who pushes the other puppies aside for attention and may even get quite boisterous.

When you are at the kennel of such a breeder, it is good to ask to see both the mother and the father of the pups. This way you can see what kind of personality the dogs will have when they grow up. Of course not all the pups will be like this when you see them for the first time, so seeing the parents will be a good indication of what to expect.

An antagonistic dog will show certain signs when he becomes agitated by strangers. His body will become stiff and rigid and he will pull his mouth closed tightly. He will lock his gaze on a stranger, he may even curl his upper lip, and lower their head as if in a stalking position. He will put his hackles up and the hair on his back will stand up.

You will also notice the eyes of such an animal will look threatening as well. If you are looking for a canine with this type of personality, you need to be aware that great caution needs to be taken, especially if you have little children. In the event that your pup has gotten out of hand, you may want to consider calling an aggressive dog training orange county expert. These animals need a lot of attention and can be extremely dangerous if not trained correctly.

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