Sunday, October 20, 2013

Discover The Use Of Natural Hypothyroid Treatment Tampa

By Elena McDowell

Hypothyroidism is a medical state where there is a marked decrease in the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. This gland is a small organ found in the front part of the neck in the middle portion. The work of the hormones that it produces is to regulate the body metabolic activities. The organ is under the direct control from the brain that produces a stimulating hormone to influence is to produces more depending on the requirements of the body. Millions of people are suffering from this disease and thus the need of using natural hypothyroid treatment Tampa methods.

The manifestations of this condition are several. Some include digestion problems, depression, low sex drive, fatigue and weight gain. Common causes of hypothyroidism include conditions that destroy the cells of this organ such as infections or trauma that could be physical or from neck surgery. The commonest is however an autoimmune condition where the body produces antibody that destroy the organ. The second commonest is lack of iodine which is required in the production of thyroid hormones.

In treating this disease, the standard medications are synthetic hormones that are administered daily as a substitute to the low hormones. These medications however can causes adverse reactions of different types. Most people therefore opt for the natural methods of managing this condition. These natural therapy involve a change in lifestyle and the diet taken.

For diet, taking food high in proteins is first. The body breaks down proteins by using the high amount of energy compared to carbohydrates and fats. This energy must therefore be obtained through breaking down more calories in the body from stored fats. As a result, there is decrease a decrease in the body weight.

It is also advised the meals should be taken in small rations and at increased frequencies. The increased frequencies ensure that the body gets constant nutritional supply. Small meals are useful because the body is able to control the amounts of sugars in the blood. Hypothyroid people are not able to control their sugar effectively.

Taking minerals that are essential to the functioning of the thyroid is another treatment option. Iodine especially is very important in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Taking foods rich in this mineral such as sea foods and sea vegetables like kelp as well as natural fresh fruits like strawberries and cranberries provide good sources. Selenium and zinc also support the health levels of thyroid hormones. Selenium comes from onions, eggs and fish while zinc is from pumpkin, meats and oysters.

Stopping alcohol is a lifestyle modification that must be adopted as therapy. Alcohol worsens this condition by depleting the important minerals that are required for synthesis. In addition, daily moderate exercises are good in helping to decrease body weight and to increase the action of insulin that is usually decreased in this state.

Hypothyroidism is considered to be a chronic disease. For this reason, the use of a diet that is of alkaline nature while decreasing on acidic foods is very important. Alkaline foods promote cure of all chronic diseases. Hormones like estrogen have a negative effect to the action of a thyroid gland and must therefore be stopped in women using estrogen contraception methods. Therefore natural hypothyroid treatment Tampa is a safer approach to managing this condition.

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