Friday, May 29, 2015

Do Cavachons Shed With Regular Maintenance

By Ericka Marsh

The Cavachon has become a popular choice of small dog and includes a hybrid combination between the Bichon Frise and the King Charles Spaniel. Possessing specific characteristics from each breed, it is important to learn about the temperaments and care requirements of each to ensure that you remain well informed of these canines. Answering the question, do Cavachons shed, requires a closer look at the average traits that are associated with litters.

The cross of the King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise contributed to the development of a Cavachon line. The aim of combining these purebreds was to develop dogs with a lower level of shedding that will deliver hypoallergenic results if you suffer from allergies. These dogs include a lighter coloration and a small size making it a suitable pet for families.

The smaller breed of dog is friendly in temperament and serves as a popular option for those who are interested in these types of canines. It possesses a truly gentle nature and is ideal for young children learning about animals and looking to engage in longer play sessions. It is important to ensure that all pups remain socialized and young ones are taught to respect family pets.

Cavachons possess a high level of intelligence and a true sense of loyalty that makes them highly responsive to owner commands. All families must remain aware of the needs of these animals and ensure that pups are engaged in a healthy manner that will minimize the possibility of injuries. Taking the time to learn more about the breed will aid in achieving the best possible outcome.

When you are ready to purchase a Cavachon pup, it is best to implement the correct grooming procedures. Regular brushing must be implemented that will assist in the development of a long and soft coat while preventing against the formation of large knots. Owners must keep the hair well groomed with a weekly brush as it aids in preventing the formation of knots and a matted appeal.

The coat is described as low shed, which means that it will not produce large amounts of hair on a regular basis. The minimal shed makes it the ideal option for those who suffer from pet allergies, but it requires that the pooch is kept clean and trim at all times. Learning about specific canine requirements will aid in producing the healthiest result for both dogs and people.

While these small dogs do not shed much hair, it is imperative that the coat is brushed on a weekly basis. The hair can grow up to 10 cm in length and is described as soft and fluffy; however, it does not produce a significant amount of dander in and around the home. A professional groomer is often recommended to keep the hair trimmed or cut into a stylish pattern.

It is important to understand the requirements that these hypoallergenic pets must be provided for healthy results. Owners must prove responsible and regularly groom the canines for soft and fluffy coats. An experienced groomer must be contacted to complete all forms of coat trimming and maintenance for the well-being of pets/

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