Friday, August 26, 2011

The Boisterous Bunch: Taking Care Of Young Puppies

By Matt Henderson

Puppies are a bundle of joy especially during their first month. During this time, you would notice how cute they are with their small bodies covered in thick, furry coats.

Of course, you start singing a different tune when your puppies begin peeing and pooping on the living room floor. This is a common scenario for any dog owner, and it is important to deal with it in a calm and effective way.

Taking care of one or two month old puppies requires a lot of patience and effort. However, taking care of a litter of puppies, about six or seven in the group, is definitely an everyday headache.

If you do not want to cry out of desperation for keeping your house clean and smelling fresh, you have to be in charge and know how to raise the puppies accordingly. This is something that some people don't necessarily want to do, but must force themselves to carry through.

If you have enough space at home, set one side of it for puppies and puppies alone. You do not want them to run all around the house chewing on everything they could get their budding teeth on. You want to keep them in one place so you only have one spot to clean up.

Don't forget that with little puppies, they are going to pass everything through within minutes. Once they have eaten or drunk, you should move them through to where you want them to do their business. It won't be long before they are going to the toilet and we all know puppies don't mind the spot.

Always feed your puppies on a regular time basis. You should never leave it out all the time, as that's just asking for a mess to clean up.

Although raising a herd of crazy puppies can be challenging, and take quite a bit of patience, it's important not to give up. Your frustrations will vanish when they stare at you with those big beautiful puppy eyes. Then, and only then, you will realize it was worth it.

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