Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Beloved Pet Deserves a Memorial Urn

By Sachin Kumar Airan

A pet is not just a pet. They are actually a great source of joy for anyone from the young to the old. They create instant social interactions between people, including strangers. Pets are a great stress reliever and some like dogs and some prefer cats to keep them company at home. If you are one with a beloved pet, you will understand.

Some people grow very close to their pets and treat them pretty much like a cherished member of the family. Therefore, when a beloved pet dies, it can become a great emotional distress to the pet owner - possibly to the point of being heart-broken at times. That's the reason why animal urns are turning into a perfect solace for the pet owners. It is their way to pay tribute to their beloved pet and to honor their happy life.

It takes time to choose the right memorial urn from the array of animal urns currently available in the market. There are many different types of them coming in different shapes, sizes, materials and designs. You would want to choose one that really reflects the true personality of your pet. One crucial point is that it must make you feel that your pet is still close at heart. Of course, it also primarily depends on what you intend to do with the ashes in the first place.

When choosing animal urns, it is important to remember the size of your pet. The urn chosen must be able to house all the ashes after cremation. For example, a 12 pound dog would most likely require the 12 cubic inch urns for dogs. Some of these urns are created as memory boxes that can house your pet's favorite stuffs like photographs, toys, leashes or other trinkets. So, it is important to select the right size. Animal urns can be found in varying prices according to their material and size. It is wise to choose one that fits within your budget and still reflects your love. Ideally, it should also be able to help you overcome the loss.

If you decide to keep the memorial urn at home, it should feature a lid that fits securely and comes in designs that will work with household arrangements. One of the best places to display animal urns is in the living room for the most obvious reasons. This is probably where you had spent much of your time chilling with your pet before it died. Apart from the memorial urns, you may also opt for other keepsakes like an ash pendant or a cremation necklace to cherish your beloved pet.

During the course of your beloved pet's life, it has enriched your life with love and affection. At its death, your beloved pet does deserve a memorial urn as your way of showing your gratitude and to celebrate the time that both of you had shared together.

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