Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things to Consider Before Bringing Home a Dog

By Crystal Powers

It's hard to resist a child's pleas for a puppy. And even harder to resist the big, sad eyes, glimmer of a pout and what looks like tears - and that's just the puppy! Soft and furry, there's nothing like a bundle of fluff cuddling up to you on a cold winter's night.

It's easy to forget that dogs are living creatures as they creep into your heart with their baby ways. The responsibility and cost of caring for them can come as a big surprise. Give these points some thought before you bring a puppy home.

You will be Responsible for the Dog

Domestic animals like cats and dogs depend on their owners, just like a newborn baby, for food, shelter, exercise and of course love and attention. Leaving dogs alone at home for extended periods can make them frustrated, bored and agitated. They may bark constantly, or take their frustration out on your belongings. Shoes, pillows and even furniture can be the victims of an anxious dog.

Dogs Are a Big Expense for Their Owners

Owning a dog may mean sacrificing savings or extra money for your family just to look after the dog properly. If you don't have lots of disposable cash, think carefully before bringing a dog home.

The first bill you'll pay will be for the dog itself. Depending on where you buy the dog, this can amount to hundreds of dollars. Some of the expenses will be initial once-off costs. These include a crate or kennel, bowls, brushes,a leash and toys. Grooming products like shampoo will need to be replaced, but your biggest expense will be food. Depending on your choice of dog food, the bill can add up to several hundred dollars a year. If you want to impress your friends with your dog's gourmet food, you can add a few extra hundred dollars on to that bill.

Then there is medical care. Unlike the rest of us, our pets are not covered by health insurance. Therefore any time they get sick, need a vaccination, or if they develop a much more serious illness, that expense will come out of your pocket.

Bringing home a pet is no small undertaking. Yes, they are wonderful to have in our lives. They bring great joy to many people but they also require attention and a hefty investment. Do some soul searching and be sure that you are prepared to give the pet everything it needs before you take on the responsibility of another living being.

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