Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Couple Of Answers To The Question Are Rottweilers Safe Dogs

By Jon Anderson

Choosing a new dog is an important decision. There are so many things to consider, not the least of which is the safety of the animal in question. Answering the question, are Rottweilers safe dogs?, is not as simple as yes or no.

To determine this, the environment the dog will be brought into needs to be looked at. Is there enough room for the animal of get plenty of exercise? Are there other pets or children living in the residence? Does the owner have the time and personality for proper training? Answering these questions will lead to the answer of the relative safety of the breed.

Rottweilers are a large breed of dog and need plenty of room. They also require daily rigorous exercise. If they are not provided with these two things they will become bored and restless. This may lead to destructive behavior and irritability. So, in tight quarters or without enough exercise this breed may not be the safest choice.

To some people, one of the more endearing qualities of the Rottie is that they stay playful long beyond puppy hood. This can cause problems if there are small children or other pets in the home. A one hundred pound animal that behaves as though it weighs twenty pounds can easily harm a child or other pet. In this case these dogs may be dangerous to have around.

Rotties are loved by some because of their fierce loyalty to their owners. However in a home where there is a great deal of physical play or angry altercations this may cause problems if the dog's protective nature kicks in. In this situation the safety of the breed may be questionable.

Perhaps the most important thing to be considered when trying to answer the question, Are Rottweilers safe dogs?, is the personality of the owner. Many people interested in large, fierce looking breeds want them to be aggressive. Knowingly or unknowingly they will reinforce any aggressive behavior displayed by the dog. This may lead to an animal that is not at all safe to be around.

The question, are Rottweilers safe dogs?, is not one that can be answered with a simple yes or no. The animal's personality and temperament offer only a partial answer. The rest is determined by the environment the animal will be raised in.

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