Thursday, January 10, 2013

Common responsibilites which cats require

By Nicolas Ford

Being a responsible cat owner is more than just buying the best of everything. Regular checkups will keep your cat strong and healthy, even into their senior years. Yearly vaccinations for rabies, feline leukemia, distemper and other feline diseases will help to ensure you and your cat has many happy years together.

Although your cat will show much affection and pleasure throughout its life, there are disadvantages of being a cat owner - mainly the kitty litter. Make sure that it is changed at least once a week though there is a variety of litter and each may require to be changed way less frequently. If you're low on funds, you can use free coupons to purchase quality litter for your cat.

Cats will not just eat anything they come across. Their sensitive taste buds are actually a built-in natural mechanism. You don't need to stress about purchasing the most expensive cat food on the market, learn to cook a delicious meal for your pet which it will surely enjoy.

Most people think that when cats rub up against your legs, they are showing signs of affection. While this is partially true, the real reason they rub against humans is to mark their territory. They are in effect letting you know that they now own you! The cat is leaving its unique scent on you and claiming you as their property.

Some people who own cats will spend a fortune on bottled water for their felines; normal tap water is absolutely fine. You can buy the bottled water on a special occasion just to show your cat how much you really care.

The best place for a cat is inside the house, protected from many hazards which the outdoors have. Should you take them outside, make sure that your cat is on a leash or in a safe environment. Leaving your cat alone with a baby is not a good idea; teach kids how to be gentle when handling these felines. Always train your cat to get used to a leash while their still young because they get used to it from an early age.

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