Thursday, January 10, 2013

Finding Healthiest Pet Food You Can Give

By Dorothea Garner

When you have cats or dogs at home, you surely want what is best for your home companions. You want to give what is right for them especially in terms of what they eat. A healthy diet can make them perform and function at their best. It would be good if you can find the healthiest pet food that can meet their nutritional needs.

A variety of choices are available these days giving you a range of options. However, you can never be sure of what kind of ingredients they contain. For this concern, you should check the ingredients beforehand. You must find out how healthy the contents are for your kittens or pooches. As the owner, animal diet is one of your concerns.

Animal diet should be a balance between veggies and meat. If you are searching for something you can feed your canines or felines, you should check the contents which must be half meat and half vegetables. With meat contents, it must be pure or real meat and not cheap fillers that do not have any nutritional value.

Meat is a good source of protein and protein is needed for energy. You should check what ingredients are listed as form of protein. It may be chicken, lamb, salmon, turkey, and duck. Some products offer boneless meat for easy eating. As for chicken meat, you must beware of poultry by products as these must be avoided.

Grains can also be included in animal meals. Whole grains are best given to animals as they contain lots of vitamins and minerals including fiber. Some grains that are best for pets include brown rice, oats, barley, and millet. One thing you should be careful of are those products which use grains to boost protein content instead of meat.

Dogs are natural carnivores but they may also have a vegetarian diet. This kind of diet should be well planned for them since they are not natural vegetarians. You can approach your veterinarian about this concern if this is the kind of diet you want for your felines and canines. Animal doctors can determine whether this is indeed suitable for the animal you have.

In choosing food for pets, you should also be careful with preservatives. These items are mixed with the product to keep them edible. However, some may be artificial or chemical that can cause diseases including cancer. You must look for products that use natural and safe preservatives such as Vitamin E and C. These ingredients are better for your animals.

The best choice for your cats and dogs would be holistic food. This is natural and nutritious so you can be sure that your pet's wellness is in check. You must go for premium brands of products instead of economy ones as cheap ingredients are not always healthy for animals. It is important that you pick trusted brands.

Pets are family to you therefore you surely want to give them the best. Animals however have nutritional needs that are different from that of humans. Being the owner, you have the responsibility to find healthiest pet food. You should keep yourself informed regarding this matter. Consulting a veterinarian would also be a good thing to do.

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