Monday, January 14, 2013

German Shepherd Breeders Can Help You Find The Right Puppy

By Charlotte McBride

You've finally made that decision. It's time to get a puppy and what you want is a German shepherd. You start the search looking through local ads and trying to find German Shepherd breeders who are nearby and hopefully have puppies available at a good price.

When you mention this breed, most people get an immediate picture of those brave police dogs seen in canine units. Smart and loyal they're known to be great pets, protective of both their family and their homes. They are also strong working dogs, used for herding flocks and as guard dogs.

Health and good temperament are important qualities that are essential for any pet. But professional breeders consider many things when choosing which bloodlines to cross and they can help you determine what else you need to think about when choosing which dog will be right for you.

Are you looking for a show dog, a guard dog, or just a family pet? You may not know how to look at a litter of puppies and figure out which one will fit the bill, but the right breeder will. That cheaper puppy in the newspaper add may turn out to be more expensive in the long run, when it doesn't live up to your expectations.

The dog you buy from a professional will likely be more expensive than the one you might get from a pet store or a typical backyard breeder, but consider what you will be getting for that extra cash outlay.

Newspaper ads and pet stores may seem less expensive and more convenient than going to a reputable breeder. But many times defects and health issues that are related to haphazard breeding and substandard veterinary care can become more expensive in the long run. Though the casual breeder may have good intentions, the end results may not be any better than those of the puppy mill owner whose only care was about the profit he could make.

A reputable breeder has a great deal invested in producing good healthy dogs. They devote a lot of time, money, and research into finding and acquiring the best bloodlines. Then they provide proper housing and appropriate veterinary care, ensuring you will get a healthy dog, free of breeding defects. For most it's also a labor of love and socialization of the puppies can be expected from a professional breeder, because they care about all their animals and take the time to give each one the best possible start in life.

Looking through breeder websites reveals that in addition to the care and socialization they already provide many of them also offer training classes as well.

It's not easy trying to decide which puppy to pick out a cute litter of squirming dogs. How do you know which one will make the best pet, or the best guard dog? That's where the German Shepherd breeders come in. They've spent years learning how to match the personality traits of the puppies to the kind of adult they will be when they grow up.

And if it's show quality you're looking for, German Shepherd breeders can help you pick the best of the best. They've worked hard to produce the outstanding animal you're looking for.

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