Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hurting Dogs Can Lead to Violent and Unruly Dogs

By Colin Seal

It has been said that punishing dogs aren't advisable. Nonetheless, some forms of punishement may be important to correct them provided it is not bordering to barbarity. A real instance of a good form of punishment is using dog training collars or any other tools for dog obedience training. The key is that there shouldn't be any abuse on the side of the owner.

Wounding Dogs is Counter Productive

Never hurt your dogs or scream at the animal for misbehaving. This is negative since it will only work against any accomplishments that you may have in coaching your dog. Yet, be firm in giving commands and making absolutely sure that these are followed strictly. Similarly, do not let negative behavior go unnoticed. Correct it immediately. If dogs translate you are allowing them to get away with the adverse actions, it will cause the dog to become more ill-behaved. It is important for you to discipline your dog for positive effects.

Treats and Rewards

Don't give treats when your dog does something that it's not intended to do. Treats are a positive reward that your dog must earn by way of exemplary behaviour and obedience. Avoid extending physical affection to your dog after it does something dreadful. Petting is like a rub down that your dog enjoys and associates with positive re-strengthening. If you pet your dog after it disobeys you, you are inspiring the animal to act negatively. The hatred form of dog training has been widely criticized. Dog training collars are way more preferred. But there isn't anything wrong in trying a dislike tactic that will not hurt or scare your dog. It can be done by spraying water but shouldn't go beyond that. Never attempt to strike your pet with anything.

The best way of punishing your dog is to disregard it. Your dog definitely demands some form of attention. When you take no notice of your dog, you are telling the animal that it can only merit your attention when it is behaving properly. You can disregard your pet by avoiding making eye contact or chatting to it even for a short duration. Whether or not it tries to get you interested, pay no interest to it.

Do not put off for tomorrow what you can correct today. Rectify the dog's perspective as you understand that it's doing something bad. Be cruel when giving orders and utilize appropriate body language. This is something the dog will certainly understand.

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