Friday, January 11, 2013

Successful Dog Potty Training Tips Revealed

By Geraldine Dimarco

I bet if you could read the thought bubble in your canine's head right after he pooped on your carpet it would say, "it's nothing personal-it's only business". Unfortunately, it is very much personal to us who have to clean up the mess afterwards right? Dog potty training is never a pleasant task to start with but one that is necessary. After all, your dog obedience training is not complete without it.

Ideally, the best age to start potty training a dog is when he is 8 to 12 weeks old. Of course, this is not always the case because some pets are adopted, or maybe we just didn't know better then. Whatever the case may be, be of good cheer-- no dog is too old to learn new tricks and that includes potty training.

In dog potty training, it's all about mastering your dog's timing. What comes in must come out; therefore, if you plan in having your dog eliminate properly, do not give him food or water unless you can take him outside after 30 or so minutes. If possible, restrict his access to water to only when you are present to monitor him-this is only during potty training. Naturally, you must take into consideration any health concerns that might be aggravated without ready water available so be prudent in your training.

Bring the canine outside for a walk during these times: early morning when he awakens, after his breakfast, snack or dinner, after taking a nap, and before bed. When indoors, keep him close by if you can. Study the signs and signals that show when he is ready to discharge his meals and respond accordingly.

Treat the first month or so as an experiment; thus expect some accidents during this time. Do not give up when you see another smelly mound appear in your living room carpet for the nth time. Comfort yourself by saying that this too shall pass. Repress the urge to get mad at the dog when you see the poop, he will not understand why you are upset at him. Clean up the mess and move on.

Canines are not equipped with intelligence like human beings-at least most of us. The trick to instilling good habits is by consistency and repetition. Say a phrase that he will associate with the task when you take him outside for potty. It can be "go potty" or "do your thing". It won't be long before he recognizes it to be his cue to do his business.

Experts know that dog obedience training tips are only as effective as your implementation of them. The most important thing is to reward the dog's stellar potty performance with positive attention. Make sure you play with him for several minutes after before you go back inside.

Never forget that you are not only training him an essential doggie task, you are also building a relationship with him. However challenging it may sound, try to have fun while you train him to poop properly. When you do, you establish a bond that will serve you well all your life.

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