Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Skinny on Blue Nose Pitbull Care

By Geraldine Dimarco

If you're reading this, chances are you have in your home a beautiful blue nose pitbull-good choice. Blue pitbulls are fantastic family pets that are worth every second and penny spent on them. They are loving, affectionate and great with people-and as the responsible owner that we are, we need to know what we can do to ensure their quality of life as long as they are in our care. Read on and use these super helpful blue nose pitbull care tips for your pet's best health.

You have to see to it that your pet receives periodic physical check-ups with the vet. When you do this, you are lowering the risk of him acquiring a canine disease that might escalate to a more serious matter when not detected and treated early enough. Pitbull terriers are a pretty healthy bunch but don't neglect necessary health precautions like yearly vaccinations and using the healthiest, natural products on them.

Provide him with high-grade meat, starches, vegetables and fruits daily. Pitbulls operate with a high level of energy all the time so give him food that have a lot of good fat and protein in them. All canines also benefit from having a robust immune system that will protect them from bacterial and parasitical infections. Build his immunity by feeding him fresh food that are a rich source of natural vitamins and minerals.

Some people assume that pitbulls are dangerous because they are always so vigorous and they have the image of being aggressive fighter dogs. Let us clear this misconception right now. Pitbulls may not get along really well with other dogs, but they have a great relationship with people. When you see domineering and aggressive pitbulls, or any canine for that matter, it is the result of the lack of socialization skills taught them. Train your pet to be sociable early by bringing him around new places and people until he is comfortable with them.

Blue pitbulls are very lively animals. Take them out for exercise at least 30 minutes each day. It will do wonders in using up all that pent-up energy that can potentially be destructive to things when left without an outlet. When you bring him outdoors, always keep him on a leash to avoid any unfavorable confrontations with other dogs.

Keep your pitbull well-groomed all the time. Pitbulls have shorter hair so it doesn't take too much to keep them clean and presentable looking. Give him a bath once a month-too much may strip him of his natural oils resulting in dry and flaky skin. Use natural products and comb their coat daily with a firm bristle brush to stimulate blood flow. This will give his coat a nice and healthy sheen.

With proper blue nose pitbull care, you can expect an average of 12 years of happy and healthy living for your pet. Use these great tips to get your pet ling out his best life right now-it will be an investment well worth it!

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