Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top Dog Training Tips Experts Use

By Geraldine Dimarco

Contrary to popular opinion, anyone can train their dogs. Whoever told you it can't be done have used incorrect methods or have failed because they gave up too soon. Nothing tests your patience like dog training; but staying on course until you see the fruits of your labor is incredibly rewarding. Not only will your home be clean and shiny, you will have a better social life and a happier relationship with your pet.

To understand more the groundwork of basic dog training tips, let us see the world through the eyes of our pet. Humans are sensible and cognitive beings equipped to correctly assess situations through logic, assumptions and basic reasoning. Our dogs are not as fortunate. They are lovely pets yes, but their comprehension is only derived from simple reactions and a consistent pattern of training they get from us. 'Come!' is completely different from 'Let's go!' and 'Come here!' from a dog's perspective. He might go to you after several tries but it's probably just luck and not real understanding you can work on.

Thus, you will have to be consistent in the exact words and phrases you use in training your dogs the basic commands. This will apply to everything relating to him.

The core of a healthy man-canine relationship is the understanding of your position as the dog's undisputed master and leader. Mind you, this doesn't mean to treat the dog in a violent and harsh manner. Being firm and strong every time is enough to cement your leader status over him. If your pet understands this, he will strive to do things that will please you like be on his best behavior and obey your commands.

Rubbing your dog's belly is a simple tactic you can employ to enforce your leadership. This teaches him to submit to you and by licking your hand he acknowledges you as his superior. Never yield to your pet's crying or growling just to keep them quiet. You need to set good habits and see to it this is followed at all times.

There is a trick professionals use in training dogs and it is this: allow the canine to teach himself. What does this mean? If a dog is doing something that demands correction, you should reprimand him immediately and replace the wrong behavior with a better one through inflicting either pleasant or less than desirable sensations.

If he gnaws on one of your pairs of shoe, spray him with water. If he does it again, spray him yet again. Place his own toy strategically before him to pick up. If he catches on and starts playing with the toy enthusiastically praise him. In the dog's uncomplicated mind, chewing the shoe feels bad and playing with the toy feels good.

Dog socialization in an important but often overlooked area of dog training. Developing social skills should start within three months of the puppy's life. However, it would be good to have even older dogs socialize with people and other dogs regularly. Put socialization high up in the training priority list by introducing him to different kinds of people and animals (make sure they're healthy) throughout his life.

As any parent would know, you discipline that which you love and care for. The dog training tips as outlined above will greatly help your dogs become the happier, best version of themselves. Nobody said it would be easy, but it will always be worth it.

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