Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What You Need To Know About Aggressive Dog Training Los Angeles

By Celia Hall

Aggression in dogs is a trait that needs to be corrected before it gets out of hand. The best way to do this is by aggressive dog training Los Angeles. Pets behave in a fierce manner due to various reasons. For instance, if you introduce any new variable in the pets life, it will react negatively. Another cause is if the pet is in pain due to sickness or an injury.

It is advisable to deal with the aggression before putting your pet back on normal routine. When this happens most people give up or cage the dog up until this phase is over. There are even those who end up selling their pets or giving them away. You should not bail out on your pet during this period; all you need is to take it through some training.

The fear can be controlled by helping the pet to feel more at ease. When lessons are being administered they need to be done in a controlled environment which is also quiet. In the course of the training, you can introduce new variables such as other pets or even children. However, this needs to be done gradually so that the dog does not shy away.

Dogs are playful creatures, but they can be territorial if they choose to be. It is advisable to start training the pet while it is still a puppy. It needs to learn how to socialize with other dogs as play is very important. If a pet is not used to playing with others it will not know what to expect and it may result to aggressive behavior as a defense mechanism. This will only worsen the situation.

Most pets are territorial and this includes dogs. They may react if there are other dogs or pets nearby. For instance, if you bring a cat in your home, the dog will want to be recognized and will not want to share attention. Aggression may also come about if the dog is surrounded by unfamiliar people. If you are having a party, it is best to cage the dog.

Another preventative dog training technique is to stop the biting when it is still a puppy. If you notice the pet biting either your finger or toes you need to make it stop. You can do this by saying no in a loud tone. This way it will learn that this behavior is unacceptable, thus goes the saying, it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

Dogs can be very good servants but bad masters. In light of this fact, the dog must respect you as its owner. Right from the start, you need to be assertive but in a friendly way, this way the dog will know that you are the master.

Training aggrieve dogs is not easy, you need patience, determination and consistency. You can get more advice and tips on aggressive dog training Los Angeles facilities. Here you can talk to professionals who will give you manuals on how to train your pet. Results may take time to show but you should remain consistent and with time the dog will adjust to the new norm. Remember to keep rewarding the pet even if the progress achieved is minimal.

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