Thursday, January 3, 2013

When Seeking A Dog Behaviorist Orange County Is The Place To Look

By Celia Hall

A dog trainer, sometimes also referred to as a "dog whisperer", studies the domesticated dog (canis lupis familiaris) and/or works to manage a particular canine's problem behavior. Typical problem conduct includes aggression, phobias, separation anxiety, fear (of thunder, gunshots, loud noises for example), timidity and obsessive compulsive disorder. A dog's demeanour can be modified because the canine understands social structure and obligations. When seeking a dog behaviorist Orange County is definitely the place to be looking.

All dogs, regardless of breed, have the capacity to learn both fundamental obedience and complicated behavior. Actions can be taught because dogs love to please their human partners. The same basic theories apply to canine psychology as to human.

The submissive stance of a dog is head down, ears flat and eyes averted. Rolling on the back with the belly exposed is another expression of submissiveness in the canine world. Passive dogs may lick or nuzzle to look subservient.

An anxious dog will act akin to an acquiescent animal but with ears partly back and the neck extended. They might also shudder or tremble, whimper, moan, yawn or lick their lips. A worried dog holds their tail low, possibly between the back legs. The whites of the eyes may show.

Dogs can jump up as an attempt to assert dominance or as a form of attention seeking. To cure this mannerism, learn to turn away and ignore your dog. Make no eye contact. Do not speak to or touch the dog until it calms down, then offer a reward in a relaxed manner.

Dogs have earned the title of "man's best friend" through the undeniable bond of companionship between animal and owner. The evolution of dogs from the gray wolf dates back approximately one hundred thousand years. Domestication of wild dogs began between fifteen and thirty thousand years ago. Today, dogs help mankind in many different ways, and all they require in return for their devotion is food, shelter and healthcare. Man certainly seems to have the better part of the relationship.

Studies have shown that dog ownership brings tremendous health benefits. A loyal dog helps with relaxation, and thus reduces stress levels. Both blood pressure and cholesterol levels are reduced by the friendship between dog and man. The exercise and fresh air that come as a fringe benefit of walking your dog do wonders for physical health, emotional and mental health.

The modern dog is a sub-species of the gray wolf and so most contemporary theories on canine behavior are based on the observation of wild wolf packs. The pack is the family and social unit, where individual animals' rankings are earned. The dog behaviorist understands that the dog values the companionship of the pack, and can get distressed through isolation. Separation anxiety, panic at the idea of being left home alone, is one of the most common behavioral troubles that trainers have to resolve. Systematic desensitization should cure destructive behavior, barking or urination and defecation that results from the dog's fear of being abandoned. For pet owners seeking a dog behaviorist Orange County is home to many reputable experts specializing in canines.

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