Saturday, January 12, 2013

With A Bit Of Training And Attention, Your Pup Can Be It's Best

By Larissa Hosea

You may face challenges in keeping an indoor dog in terms of damage to your belongings. He's urinating on the rug and destroying your furnishings, and it's all because you didn't train him. In this article, we will review proven methods for teaching your dog house manners. Don't send your dog mixed signals. If for some reason the animal perceives that you are amused by the performance, he may deliberately repeat the unwanted behavior to elicit a response. If you do, training will be damaged. Regardless of how entertaining your dog's misbehavior may be, you must correct it consistently. When training your dog properly, never use food to control any particular behavior. Try to devise rewards that can be withheld if the desired behavior is not demonstrated, like a special toy. Additionally, you need to pet and praise your dog.

Use the same command for the behavior you want him to demonstrate. Use his or her name when giving a command. Use his name to get his attention then follow up with a command. Dogs will respond instantly when their name is called if they know they are going to be rewarded. The best dogs are those who have been trained by a patient, consistent master. Do not expect to become perfect when training your dog off the bat. The only way to perfect anything is through practice. Puppy training is no exception.

If you are going to be doing any training you need to know how to enforce the rules. This method involves eliciting the desired behavior by giving the pet a treat or reward upon completion. This can be in the form of treats or something that your dog loves to do. This way, your dog learns the right way to get what he wants.

Do not allow your dog to bark because it is bored. If you dog barks because he is bored, you are the one to blame. Boredom barking indicates that the dog is not getting an outlet to release pent up energy. You need to take the time out of your busy day to take your pet on a walk. Also, provide chew toys and maybe leave the TV on when you aren't home. Sometimes, you will notice that your dog may try to bite you during training. An untrained dog might think that you're part of his group, and he may think that he's the leader. Therefore, it's important that you showcase alpha behavior so that your dog will be aware that they aren't the leader. You are. Dogs that fail to grasp human behavior are more likely to bite.

It is possible to designate a specific indoor area for elimination, as well. Put potty pads in the area, and then slowly move them so that eventually, there is just one pad situated in the spot where you want the dog to relieve itself.

Reinforce positive behaviors. Ignore his negative behaviors. Any negative reinforcement could cause the dog to be afraid of you. Instead, use positive reinforcement to have your dog look forward to the results of good behavior. Stay as consistent as possible during your training regimen. If there are several trainers, ensure that they are all being consistent with rewards and commands. Dogs will learn better and faster if they have a set commands that they need to follow. By being consistent in your methods, it is possible to teach your dog to "hold it." Be sure to take your puppy out for scheduled, hourly potty breaks when you're home. Praise him when he uses the bathroom outside. Don't yell at your pooch for going potty in the house. He won't know what he did wrong and will learn nothing. Make it a rule that fifteen minutes after the dog eats or drinks, he is taken out for a walk. As well, he should be taken out each time he is let out of the crate.

Never raise your voice to your dog during training. Shouting to teach your dog not to bark could be a form of positive reinforcement. This will give them an idea that you do not like what they are barking at. Your dog may believe that you are yelling in reaction to the same thing he is barking at, causing him to bark more. Try to stay calm instead.

Training sessions must happen regularly. Sometimes, you will fail when training your dog, which you should expect. Stay as persistent as possible when training your pet. This is also true when you train your dog.

If your dog likes to bark you need to be aware of why they are doing so. The source could be some certain noise or close encounters with another animal. This will help your dog understand that barking is unnecessary. Training sessions should be very short. Since dogs have a tough time paying attention, you do not want to draw out the process. If you want a long session, make sure that your dog has a break in between.

Is your pet dog eating healthy? Like kids, dogs can become inattentive, hyperactive, and bratty when they have an unhealthy diet. Find out what type of nutrition your dog's breed requires and adjust his diet accordingly; doing this will help your dog maintain his energy level. Talk to your vet regarding specific food needs for pets. You should have a specific feeding pattern for your dog. Your dog should be fed at the same time everyday and they should only have a certain amount of time to eat. Your dog will learn to finish eating before you take the dish away.

Stay away from high end training devices like shock collars. They often don't function as well as advertised and are far more expensive than conventional training methods. Plus, using devices like shock collars can stifle your dog and discourage even good behavior. Generally, techniques such as these actually produce negative results. Whenever you want your dog to complete a task, you must reward it. The treat helps your dog to know that you think he has done well. Your dog will become able to realize the difference between what you consider as good and bad behavior. You may be finding it difficult to live with an indoor dog. Maybe your dog is ruining your belongings, and your patience is running out. This article can help you to improve both your daily and your long-term relationship with your dog.

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