Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ways To Increase Your Home Protection

By Mark Mahaffey

Burglary is a very common crime in this county. In fact, it happens every fifteen seconds. With such a high frequency of burglaries, we are all in danger of having a break-in happen to us or to someone that we love. However, just because burglaries happen often, that does not mean that we are helpless and must sit back and just hope it does not happen to use. We can take action.

One of the smartest things to do is to remember that robbers do not like to spend very much time at any one home. The longer they have to work to get into a home, the more likely it is that they will be seen and caught. So, the goal in home protection is to make it slow and frustrating for a criminal to get into your home.

Your first line of defense, then, is to put up a security fence. A security fence offers home protection that definitely slows a burglar down, because he has to decide how to negotiate that fence. If it is high and has a locked gate, he is going to have to spend a decent amount of time coming up with a plan on how to get over or through it.

If he is able to get through the fence, then another way to slow him down is with a dog! Dogs offer excellent home protection and is a great way of discouraging a thief from attempting to rob you. Make sure your dog will bark at strangers, and keep in mind that the bigger the dog, the more protection you will have.

Another option to consider is light. Criminals like to do their work in the dark. The more security lighting you can put around your home, the less likely you will be a victim of a nighttime crime.

And of course, if a thief does break into your home, a security alarm system is one of the most effective ways to scare him off while alerting the authorities at the same time. If you are serious about home protection, do not be caught without a home alarm system.

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