Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chicago Dog Walkers And How They Can Help You

By Marsha Klein

Caring for any pet is a big responsibility but caring for a dog is even more of a responsibility. If there is a stay at home mom who is able to take care of the dog then you do not need a Chicago dog walkers. However, in these days and age most people work full time jobs. This leaves your little bundle of fur home alone. This can lead to accidents on the floor because the puppy can not hold his bladder or bowel movements.

If you are a dog owner that works most days or leaves on several business trips in a year, or perhaps you take lots of vacations. It is important that you have a dependable person to take care of your dog. If you are only leaving the house to go to the grocery store a kennel works fine but any extended amount of time and you need the best pet sitters Chicago has to offer.

Your dog may feel abandoned by you if you leave it for too long at a time. Most people love their pets just like if they were children. They do not want to leave their children with just any random person just like you wouldn't leave your baby with a stranger.

You want to use a professional dog walker or a family care animal specialist. Through out the years these companies have grown to help accommodate the ever growing family pet. Some people have never heard of a pet-sitter or a babysitter for your furry friend.

A dog walkers job is to come to your house a couple times a day to give your pet water and food and take it for a walk to relieve it's self. A pet care specialist is pretty much a baby sitter for your dog. They will stay with your dog as long as you need them to and they will take care of your fur-baby. Peoples dogs are their babies and they do not leave them with just anyone. It has to be someone you trust.

A pet sitter will take your baby for walks, brush their hair, give them treats when they behave, and clip their nails and bath them. If we would not leave our kids with a person then why would you leave your dog with someone you do not trust.

If you decide to use a pet service to have them take care of your fur-babies, it is ok to ask to meet that person. You want to make sure that your pups are gonna be taken care of. It is probably a good idea to make out a list of emergency phone numbers for you and your husband. It is also important for the sitter to get to know the dog so that it is not scared when it's mom and dad leave.

Chicago dog walkers will be willing to take the dogs for games, walks, fetch, and anything else your dog likes to do. This is important because your dog needs exercise and it helps him sleep better at night. You will need a list of the dogs daily activities as well.

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