Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Find Out More About Pediatric Physical Exam

By Katrina Wheeler

Pediatric physical exam refers to a way of examining the body of young children. It is a clinical method of trying to find out any problem that a child can be having. It is used by all medical practitioners in their various practices.

Children usually bear diverse conditions which they might suffer from. Those disorders are several. They deeply differ from one child to another child. This is since they are reared within differing environments. They further are born by mums that had different experiences within their corresponding pregnancies.

The different diseases which children normally suffer from may be broadly classified to two major categories. The categories are congenital plus acquired. Congenital disorders refer to the disorders which they get before they get born. It shows that they get them while still growing within the womb of their mothers.

They acquired conditions are attained after a child has been born. This happens since after birth, he is predisposed to various factors in the atmosphere. A number of those things might be infectious whereas some traumatic. Besides, others might also be as a result of trauma. Some others are as a result of malignancies.

There are different conditions that contribute to congenital diseases among children. Some of these factors include genetic conditions, infections and again diseases that influence the mother in pregnancy. Genetic factors contribute to conditions that may be inherited from a generation to another.

It is important to note that any child can suffer from various diseases that affect children. Some of them can be very evident. This means that they can be easily noticed. However, others are not easily noticed. Therefore, more have to be done for you to be in a position to pick them out.

The only main way to be able to pick out the different conditions that affect children is by clinically examining their bodies. This method of examining involves intense looking of the whole body of the child. This greatly helps in finding out any deformity or abnormality.

Examination of children differs from examination of adult people. It is because children can cry easily. Consequently, evaluating them becomes challenging.

The examination encompasses head to toe. That implies that all of body systems must be carefully examined. The various human body systems comprise cardiovascular system, central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, gastroinstestinal system, urogenital system and skin .

Every system is keenly examined. All the observations are clearly documented. All the systems get equally examined within children. This is not the same as in adults in which care is paid more unto the affected system.

Examination of children requires gentleness and friendliness. This helps children to be comfortable and relaxed. This subsequently makes the examination easy.

The guardians or parents of those children must be also around during this procedure of examination. That is important for it makes them become relaxed. It further lowers anxiety.

Pediatric physical exam is an important process. It helps for making diagnosis for various diseases in children. It therefore should be done with great care, keenness, gentleness as well as kindness.

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