Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Flea Control Boric Acid Is A Natural Management Strategy

By Alyce Powell

When a flea infestation occurs, it is most unpleasant for animals and can result in difficult management for the home. There are a number of pesticides available on the market; however, it introduces harsh toxins and builds a more resistant parasite resulting in minimal results and a great deal of effort. With natural measures of flea control boric acid has been recognized as an effective approach offering numerous benefits.

Fleas are external parasites that are able to jump 4 to 5 times its height and are incredibly fast contributing to its spread and inability to annihilate the pests. Reproduction occurs at a rapid rate as one female can lay up to 20 eggs at a time and thousands over a few years. These critters are able to thrive in carpets and even garden sand as long as a host is made available for feeding and completing the life cycle.

A bite from fleas will result in severe itching and irritation for pets leading to the experience of a sensitive skin. The animal may experience numerous symptoms that can form an allergic dermatitis that is most uncomfortable and requires the appropriate vet care. The dog or cat may chew on the itchy spots contributing to loss of hair and wounds that could become infected and cause additional problems.

These parasites are responsible for the spread of disease including Lyme disease, Mountain Rocky Fever, and other conditions. It will also spread tapeworm between the different animals encountered in the home or public and can also pass it on to humans. There is the option to invest in chemical applications that target adults and larvae, but will not address cocoons and eggs in crevices and gardens.

While a number of pesticide products for pets are available, it contains highly toxic ingredients. Boric acid offers a naturally based alternative that is effective to eliminate the presence of fleas. It is also a cost effective solution in comparison to the more costly ranges available that include exposure to harsh toxins.

One of the most popular forms of intervention for homes is boric acid because it can effectively reduce flea populations. Active ingredients that are included in flea powders, consist of borate and orthoboric acid. Fleas love to make its home in warm, dark, and moist spots that can be targeted with the desiccant powder that causes parasite dehydration.

Th acids are odorless making it a suitable application for sprinkling over carpeting. With its lower toxicity it can also be sprinkled along bedding, furniture crevices, and cupboards once you have vacuumed all areas. Minimize clutter and rake all of the leaves in the garden to prevent from creating ideal environmental conditions.

With natural flea control boric acid is an effective solution. It can be sprinkled all over the home including the deep crevices of furniture and closets to target adults, larvae, and eggs. The application should be repeated for a 6 week period as it targets all stages of the life cycle of these parasites.

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