Friday, June 24, 2011

Train Your New Pet With These Dog Behavior Training Tips

By Arlene Case

The old song "How Much is that Puppy in the Window" is something a few of us might remember. Even those that don't recollect this once popular tune can certainly relate to the experience of simply falling in love with every cute little puppy you encounter.

If you are trying to figure out where the phrase "puppy dog eyes" come from, then it shouldn't take you long to figure out. Unfortunately our animal shelters, swollen with older relinquished pets, are a sad testimonial to the fact that too many instances of "puppy seduction" end up in a household disaster because well intending folks simply do not understand the basics of dog behavior training.

The first concern of new puppy parents should be dog training behavior. For a moment, you can put the crates, bedding, leashes, and food aside. You need to make sure that your dog training resources are in order if you want to effectively transform that sweet little puppy into a functional member of your household.

Taking the time to instill this requirement in the minds of new dog owners before you leave their facility is what responsible breeders and pet shop owners should do. Too often, the excitement of a new pet and the completion of sale or adoption formalities distracts both parties from addressing dog behavior training as the highest priority of pet ownership.

Dog behavior training, on the surface, might be concluded as a process in which the new dog owner would benefit. While this is most definitely true from the perspective of owning a well disciplined, controllable pet, one ultimately comes to learn that it is the dog which benefits more from proper training than the owner. Simply put, an untrained dog quickly becomes a nuisance rather than a welcome addition to the home.

Quickly becoming frustrated with their newly acquired animal are owners who are unfamiliar with the basics of canine behavior and who have not pursued a path of effective dog training. This stresses the dog and seriously compromises the pet's future potential for learning what is expected of him. Quickly becoming a relentless downward spiral is the relationship of owner and pet and eventually, the animal ends up in a shelter.

You can give your dog the ultimate gift and that is quality dog behavior training. It ensures the dog's experience will be positive and catalyze a long lasting, irreversible bond between your family and their new pet.

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