Sunday, January 13, 2013

Allergic Reactions in Cats

By Cathy Doggins

Allergy is common in cats and kittens. A feline allergic reaction is caused by seasonal allergies, fleas, food or contact irritants. An allergic reaction happens when a kitten or cat comes in contact with a substance that causes the immune system to react as if that it is toxic. Cat allergy symptoms are different from the symptoms seen in humans. In cats, allergies primarily affect the skin, but can also cause problems in the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.

Flea allergy occurs when cats are not protected with a preventative or when these types of products are not consistently used. A Flea feeds by injecting an antigen into the host animal. Signs of flea allergy dermatitis are in areas that cannot be reached, such as the apex of the tail or on the neck. Treatment starts with the use of a product that eliminates fleas followed by the use of a preventative to stop any new problems.

Respiratory allergies are also often diagnosed. Inhaled allergenic substances are plants, trees, grass and weeds. Signs of nhalant dermatitis are alopecia, red skin and pruritus. Skin changes include ulcers, feline acne and bigger lesions called granulomas. Itching or scratching introduces secondary issues such as bacterial infection. Steroids such as prednisone are used to eliminate any inflammation. Omega acids can help the healing process.

Last, dietary sensitivity occurs when a cat has an abnormal reaction to a food component. There are 40 potential allergens in commercial cat food. Food sensitivity is often confused with dietary intolerance. Dietary allergy is an abnormal immunological response reaction, while food intolerance occurs when the body cannot digest the food. Both result in similar symptoms such as skin inflammation and hair loss. Common food allergens are eggs, chicken, protein, beef, wheat, soy, corn, fish and oats. Indicators of food allergy are itching or scratching, and skin lesions on the head and neck. Skin injury is the direct result of licking or scratching an itchy area. Signs of stomach distress are vomiting or diarrhea.

Treatment for allergens starts with the removal of the trigger from the cats environment. To pinpoint a specific diagnosis, lab testing or other diagnostic methods are used. For food allergy a hypoallergenic diet helps to figure out the problem component. In the case of seasonal allergies, moving a cat inside or purchasing a vacuum with a HEPA filter can remove the allergens from the environment. Allergy shots are also available or reduce the severity of any skin reaction.

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