Sunday, January 13, 2013

Simple Dog UTI Home Remedies That Experienced Pet Owners Use

By Geraldine Dimarco

Urinary tract infection in animals is not a lethal condition that you should worry about. However, it does pose a problem to those whose budgets are as tight as the collar you fasten around Fido's neck. An effective dog urinary tract infection home remedy is a good alternative treatment to use. Read on for valuable dog UTI home remedies that have been successfully used by experts from all parts of the world.

1. The easiest and cheapest of all dog UTI home remedies can be found in any house-water. Provide the animal with a fresh supply of distilled H20 often throughout the day. Water cleanses the system, flushing out bacteria that are flowing through the canine's bloodstream because of dirty food or beverage that he may have ingested. Give him as much fresh and clean water as he wants to ensure his best health. Don't give water from the tap because it may contain chemicals and substances that may be damaging to the animal's internal system.

Also, as you continue to water the animal, see to it that he pees as often as he can. It is in the urine that bacteria fosters so the more your dog holds it in, the higher the risk of infection he will have. Bring him out to take care of business a few times a day to keep away from UTI.

2. Citrus juices help in decreasing the chance of bacteria to remain in your dog. Some examples of these are orange, cranberry and lime juice. These citrus juices contain a high acidity level which help kill bacteria that may be in the canine's internal system.

Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy many people use to treat UTI for humans and canines both. In your dog's water dish-put in half a teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar and mix it in thoroughly. Do this for three days. This also eases the pain of the sufferer of urinary tract infection.

3. Give your dog food that has not been contaminated-this is not just to prevent UTI, but other diseases as well. Throw away table scraps and any uneaten food left in his food dish for too long. It may be that bacteria have settled in the food particles and will harm the dog when eaten.

Discuss with your vet the natural dietary supplements that can boost the immune system of your dog. A healthy dog is resistant to attacks of harmful organisms that attack his normal internal functioning. Your pet will be able to fight the infection and stay strong with an excellent immune system.

4. Make sure that your dog bathes frequently, especially if he seems to be manifesting symptoms of UTI. Cleanse off his genital area daily to prevent complications in his UTI. Keep his surroundings sanitary and orderly.

Female dogs have shorter urethra-which makes it easier for bacteria to make its way around their internal system. This means the females are more likely to contract urinary tract infection than their male counterparts. Whichever the case-- trim the hair around this area to inhibit bacteria from flourishing on it.

5. Bring your dog out for walks and exercise daily, if possible. Keeping him physically fit will boost his immune system as well as give him ample opportunity to empty his bladder.

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