Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Excellent Homemade Dog Biscuits Guide Anybody Can Do

By Geraldine Dimarco

There are a few things that money cannot buy-- taking off a tight pair of shoes at the end of the day; a cold glass of lemonade on a blistering summer day; and the bark of a cheerful and faithful dog happy to see you. Is this you? Do you have a great pet right now or are you struggling with your canine companion? Whatever your situation, homemade dog biscuits are sure to help you out.

For the contented pet owners, these homemade dog treats are the just rewards for the obedient dog that they have. You just can't help but be good to them right? For the frustrated masters on the other hand, these yummy canine chewies might be just the thing to get your animal sniffing at you-for the right reasons of course.

What's great about homemade biscuits is that you will be able to manage the vitamins and minerals that your canine will need. Definitely commercial food will have some of these helpful nutrients. However, it is nothing when you compare it to what he can benefit from if you were in the position to control his meals. Some think if you make their food it's going to be expensive but in reality, if you plan it right-it can turn out quite affordable to do.

So how can making homemade dog treats end up saving me more money, you may be asking. Well, with just a few eggs, select ingredients and some cups of flour-you can make several batches of mini cookies. These mini cookies can last the happy pup for about two to three months. Seal them in an air tight bag and freeze them until you need them.

So far everything sounds great-now you want to know, how difficult are these treats to make? Friend, rest your fears, most recipes are actually very simple. Really, if you look at most of them, they are very similar to dishes and snacks we human take ourselves. In fact, the next time you bake yourself muffins or pastries, make extra-your pup might want some.

You need to be careful that the ingredients that are inside these treats are not bad for the animal. There are several food substances that are toxic to canines and some of these substances are: chocolates, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, citrus oil, onions, etc. Find out the list of these harmful ingredients and avoid them when creating your canine delicacies.

Once you have these tasty snacks all ready, use them to reward your pet during obedience training; or simply as a treat for being the good dog that he is. It won't be long before these biscuits become something your pet will look forward to every day. Use this to your best advantage.

Experienced pet owners can attest to delicious homemade dog biscuits as being a useful tool in establishing an even stronger bond with your beloved pet. Don't delay too long before you choose to go ahead and try making some-the music of your dog's happy bark is awaiting your decision.

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