Sunday, January 6, 2013

Discover an Excellent Dog Arthritis Treatment

By Geraldine Dimarco

One of the prevailing canine condition that veterinarians are tasked to treat is arthritis in dogs. It strikes about one out of every five dogs throughout the world. It is much like osteoporosis in people in terms of symptoms and its corresponding treatment. The difference is that while human beings develop a gradual deterioration of the bones-some cases of canine arthritis manifest significant physical and behavioral changes in as little as a few short weeks.

What does an arthritic dog look like? You will know that your pet is suffering from this condition if he displays unusual behavioral and physical changes. He will gain weight, be hesitant to engage in strenuous exercise and has decreased mobility. He will also begin to limp and find standing up from a seated position more difficult.

There are different kinds of arthritis-mostly classified according to their skeletal structure. The two main types of arthritis are the primary arthritis, which is what the older canines usually succumb to; and the secondary arthritis, the type that is developed through a physical trauma the animal sustained.

With all the vigorous playing these energetic mutts often do, it is not surprising that arthritis in dogs is as widespread as we see it to be. Certainly we do not want any debilitating conditions to wreak havoc to our pet's life. Therefore, it is indeed fortunate for all pet owners that a great dog arthritis treatment is accessible in several reliable specialty stores online.

Prepare healthy food for the animal. A food plan rich in nutrients will ensure that the dog will get all the minerals he will need to fortify his bones. Regular exercise and a good diet help maintain the correct weight, and more than that, enhances his health. Remember, a robust immune system will ward off infections and other possible ailments that secondary arthritis may complicate.

Dog arthritis pertains to the bones and the deterioration of the protective cartilage that wraps itself around the joints. There are special supplements that will help to restore the damaged parts of the cartilage and improve the animal's mobility. Look up in specialty sites and blogs or ask experienced pet owners as to the best dog arthritis treatment you can supplement with the canine's diet.

Anti-inflammatory and non steroidal pills are some therapies that pet owners give their dogs to ease the stiffness and pain that arthritis brings about. Guclosamine and Omega fatty acids are active ingredients of over the counter medications that is said to alleviate the symptoms of this condition. Inform your vet in case you consider administering any sort of pill or drug to your dog.

You must make it a point to take your pet for regular visits to the vet to check for any disease he may have. If the canine seems to be exhibiting signs of arthritis, obtain a thorough examination complete with X-rays. Dog arthritis is a condition that can be prevented and easily remedied as long as it is detected in its earlier stages. Obtain the correct diagnosis and begin the treatment plan immediately.

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