Sunday, January 6, 2013

Essential Information on Dog UTI You Will Want to Know About

By Geraldine Dimarco

Dog urinary tract infection is a common ailment that our faithful dogs can get afflicted with-what exactly is it? Having a pet means that we are accountable for his welfare; thus it is up to us, being the responsible dog owner that we are, to be knowledgeable about the signs and preventive measures we can take to avoid dog UTI.

Dog UTI is obtained through the ingestion of contaminated water and food. Unclean properties contain bacteria which penetrates to the canine's bloodstream and lymphatic system. The bacteria that cause UTI are escherichia, pseudomonas, kleibsiella, proteus mirabilis and straphylococcus. When these harmful organisms get into their system and are not treated immediately, urinary tract infection is inevitable.

When your dog's immune system becomes weak and is incapable of managing the destructive work the bacteria is doing in his body, urinary tract infection happens. Constantly taking in contaminated food and water increases the chances for the other internal organs to be infected. Be vigilant, especially with your female dogs. These dogs have shorter urethra which enables the organisms to travel faster. Clean and groom them often, particularly in the area around their genitals.

Symptoms of UTI will be manifested in his urinating habits. If he pees frequently and is excessively thirsty because of dehydration, you can be sure that something is wrong inside him. It may not be UTI, but you will need to get the diagnosis of his urine test immediately. Being completely unable to pee is a sign of more advanced bladder problem that must be addressed as soon as you notice it.

This is an ailment that pet owners do not want to deal with but fortunately, there are several things you can do that will prevent your pet from having UTI. The first and simplest thing you can do is water therapy. This will flush out his system clean. Apple cider vinegar and citrus juices lowers the quantity of bacteria as the acidity serves to neutralize the urine.

UTI happens when bacteria stays in the dog's bladder for long periods of time. Therefore, prevent urinary tract infection by having your dog take toilet breaks as frequently as possible. If you can, provide an open access outside where the canine can eliminate wastes whenever he feels like it. Remember, urine contains harmful germs so the faster it is expelled, the better for the animal.

Always give your dog nutritional and clean food; fresh is also better than processed. Take out the uneaten food from his dish as food left out for too long becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. A sanitary environment lessens the canine's chances of infection.

Bring your dog to have a check-up regularly. This is making sure that sickness is blocked in its primary phases where it will be far more easily treatable. Early detection is key to curing most sicknesses. Revisit this article and follow its tips to prevent dog urinary tract infection from your pet.

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