Sunday, January 6, 2013

When Needing Dog Aggression Training San Diego Can Offer The Best

By Celia Hall

Over 4.7 million dog bites were reported in the past year in the USA alone, the majority of the cases involved innocent children with horrific bites to the head, face and neck area. The devastation for the owner that a beloved pet could cause injury to another human leaves immeasurable scars for all concerned. Resulting directly from the need for dog aggression training San Diego has had to take up this challenge, due to the large number of dog friendly beaches and parks.

The main factors which contribute to bad behavior are genes. Certain breeds have a tendency to be more aggressive than others, inbreeding, unneutered males and lactating females. However the environment that the animal is exposed to in its early development such as poor human interaction, abuse, being teased and even attack from another dog, could result in a violent canine.

Unfortunately most people tend to wait until a beloved pet has attacked another pet or worse bitten a human, before seeking help. The fact is that most training facilities will not accept these cases. The final result of the delay and the lack of foresight in the actual owner being secluded at home with the problem or worse still being forced to have the dog euthanized.

For the devoted owner researching facilities that can assist with the problem is the first step in a positive direction. With more trainers starting to specialize in working specifically to rehabilitate these dogs and using techniques that will correct and prevent this behavior is the primary focus. The good news is that those few die hard trainers all boast 100% success rates.

Basic principals emerge; firstly and foremost the source of the hostility is sought after. This is elementary in the initial stages, as in order to rectify the behavior, the type of aggression needs to be determined. For example, a calm submissive puppy could end up displaying aggression if frightened, or teased, or if someone touches the food bowl.

Once the root cause of the problem has been established the method of treatment will be determined. Starting with re establishing the pecking order within the home, boundaries will also be set up for the offending pup. As a matter of fact a pack mentality is restored, with the humans being put in the leadership positions.

Then body language is taught, as it is important to exude the correct stance when correcting a behavior. It is also vital for the person to learn to identify warning signals given by the dogs body language. Counteractive measures can be taken to stop an attack prior to it taking place, if you should be made aware of the situation in time.

With two out of the four advertised dog aggression training San Diego centers sporting world leading experts, with years of experience. Doing a thorough search will help in making the decision as to which facility would best suit both the owner and dog alike. One facility offers a dog psychology centre for those severe cases and all offer free consultations.

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