Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fight any allergy symptoms with natural allergy remedies

By Robin Bohil

Allergies can strike at any moment if you do not have a good immune system. You might run your holiday by getting sick due to allergy or not be able to conduct business if you are on a business trip. Pharmaceutical medicines are preferred by people usually but it may not offer the complete solution as allergy remedies. You will need to take a different pill for a different allergy which may not be a good idea. For instance, one pill may be enough to relive your sneezing but another may be needed for nasal congestion. This is why you should opt for natural treatment options for getting complete relief from allergies.

You first need to understand the origins of allergies that affect people normally. Babies are at a risk of developing allergies when they try to switch from liquid food to solid food in their diet. The allergies crop up if the baby has food intolerance which means allergies may arise if the baby is not able to take in one type of food. Seasonal allergies are also something you need to be aware of as it is not related to the food intake. The positive thing is that you can ward off any form of allergy with the help of natural allergy remedies.

People need to look at the various food items that have a tendency to work as natural allergy remedies. Omega 3 fatty acid promoting food items are an example of this food category. Some of the food items that should be consumed in this regard are fish, flax seed oil and walnuts. Non vegetarian products that have a solid presence of omega 3 fatty acid include eggs and some meat products. It is best to plan your diet accordingly so that you can incorporate these items if you are worried about seasonal allergies.

Nettle is equally effective as the drugs that are sold in the market for fighting off various allergies. Nettle occurs in nature which means that you will not suffer from any side effects that are seen while consuming pharmaceutical drugs. There are various side effects such as sleepiness and headache that arise by taking drugs but you are completely safe from it. Nettle provides relief to people for a period of hours so it may also be seen as a temporary form of solution. It is known to compress the ability of the body to produce histamine.

One of the best forms of naturally occurring allergy remedies can be seen in bee pollen. It helps in the process of digestion, improves the immunity of the body, keeps stress away, works for maintaining good health of the heart, aids weight loss and improves mental strength. Bee pollen is known to act as an age delaying element as it promotes younger looking skin. Nature certainly provides a lot of alternatives when it comes to natural remedies. The benefits of bee pollen are accepted even by medical authorities as it has been found out to be one of the most effective allergy remedy in nature.

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