Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sold! The Only Information You Need For Selling Your Dog Treats Online

By Justin Cheng

As long as users are ready to buy, there will always be something to sell. Selling dog treats online meets the needs of a growing number of consumers. To increase your profits, read on through the suggested tips.

Have a section of your website where your customers can post their comments and questions. Respond to their questions on a daily basis; do not be visiting it weekly or monthly. The faster you answer them the better. Answer them with expertise so that they see that you know what you are saying and you have adequate knowledge on the same.

Use consistent intuitive navigation in your website. Don't disable the "Back" button. Users are impatient. They hate having to learn new site navigation. Make your navigation obvious and consistent throughout your site.

Send your customers a thank you note; send them emails just to tell them that your business appreciates them. Offer your existing customers special discounts, different from the ones you are offering those who have not yet shopped with you. For the long term customers, you may even decide to offer free shipping for a whole year as a sign of appreciation.

It is imperative that you get your name out to the market. Do whatever you can to make sure people know who you are by doing internet marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and search engine optimization, or SEO. Using all of these techniques will increase traffic to your site. There is free software available to help you customize your market, too.

Perfect your dog food description. Understand your audience and prepare a well-written description that appeal to their basic emotions. Online sales are very different than those of brick-n-mortar stores because there is no sales associate there to sell, reassure the indecisive, or answer questions about the item of interest. Your dog food description needs to do that. Connect with your buyers. Know them well and deliver the dog food in a way that they will appreciate.

As so many social media websites have worked to change our lives it is important to remember them as a good source of advertising your company, services and dog treats. There are billions of users around the world; just communicating with a few thousand can increase your sales revenue. Social media can be a very, highly effective tool for e-commerce.

Advertising for investors, if they are popular, may bring more traffic to their website. This increase in traffic will increase the likelihood of new customers. And have them sign up for a weekly newsletter, if they like it they may come back.

Begin a big internet sale in October and advertise it a bit before time. Apart from providing huge discounts, also provide free shipping opportunity. This will push up your sales more than you ever expected.

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