Monday, January 7, 2013

Finding A Good Dog Boarding Bridgewater NJ Facility

By Maryellen Lamb

Anyone who has a dog knows what an important part of the family they become. Unfortunately, there are times when they must be left behind when unforeseen events occur. When this happens, there are facilities such as a dog boarding Bridgewater NJ available to step in and help out.

In leaving a dog behind the first thing that concerns the owner is that they be safe, comfortable, and well cared for. It is for this reason that it is important that a good facility be found well ahead of the need. Finding such a location can begin by asking friends and a veterinarian for their recommendation.

Questions, as well as a personal inspection, should be made as to such things as the dog's living space. Dogs who are used to running free in the house or yard usually will not take kindly to being placed in a cage for a long period of time.

An ideal facility will have special rooms or areas where there is a comfortable bed and toys. This will make the animal feel they are more 'at home'. Asking about how much exercise they will receive is another important question. Do they have periodic walks? How often are they allowed out? These are important questions.

Sometimes the food a boarding facility serves is not what the dog is used to. This can result in a problem leading to not eating or becoming ill. Therefore, it is important if the dog has a special diet that the boarding facility be aware of the fact and food be brought when the dog is boarded. It might be necessary to bring an extra treat to be added to the food if the dog is not eating well. In any case the facility should have definite instructions regarding the dog's food.

Instructions also need to be given to the boarding facility regarding what to do should your dog become ill. They should be given the name and phone number of your veterinarian if medical attention is needed. Many boarding facilities are run by veterinarians so this is no problem.

Many dog-boarding locations have what is called 'free play'. The dogs are unleashed and allowed to play together for a certain amount of time. Some dogs do not react friendly to this type of situation so this should be discussed when registering. Things such as how many dogs will be in the 'play' and how much supervision will be provided are important.

Once a good relationship has been established, with a dog boarding facility, it is always a relief to be able to leave your dog and know they will be taken care of. Making a reservation well in advance will assure there will be a space available when you are ready to leave. In addition, you should always leave a list of contact phone numbers with places such as a dog boarding Bridgewater NJ facility so you can be contacted if something unforeseen should occur. It also is pertinent to make up a list of what you will need to take, such as food, medicine, special instructions, etc. Well before it is necessary to leave the dog. Once a good routine is formulated, you will come home to a happy dog.

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