Monday, January 7, 2013

General Information About Cockapoo Puppies

By Brandi Little

Cockapoo puppies are considered mixed breed or crossbreed dogs. Typically they are result of the breeding of a Cocker Spaniel, American or English with a Poodle, not the miniature or toy breeds. Purebred dog organizations do not recognize such animals to be a breed. There is a lot of things Cockapoo owners should be informed on.

America has had these animals since the 1950s. They were first referenced in an entry from a dictionary published circa 1960s. This type of animal may be a combination of a Cockapoo with Poodle or Cocker Spaniel. Dogs bred in this way are either 75 percent Spaniel or Poodle.

These animals are, in general, healthy creatures. They do not suffer with a lot of health problems. As is true of most little dogs, they have a long lifespan, usually more than 15 years. Nonetheless, Poodles and Cocker Spaniels are breeds known for having luxating patellas, commonly known as loose knees. This is a genetic condition that may be passed on during breeding. Cockapoo owners should have their animals checked for this.

Another problem associated with the parent breeds is PRA, an eye disorder also known as Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Prior to breeding the dogs, tests and exams should be conducted to check for the disorder. Cockapoos have floppy ears like many other breeds of dogs. This trait increases their risk of ear infections. To prevent this, keep the ears of the animal dry and clean.

Most dogs of this type have light-colored fur, such as white or tan. When healthy, they weigh between six and twenty pounds. The appearance of young pups is not always how the animals will look as adults. As they have mixed DNA, none of their features are exclusive to them. They may take from the Poodle side of their DNA and others take on more of the Spaniel traits. Whether young or old, these animals make good pets. They are lovable, active, outgoing and extremely intelligent.

The dogs require little maintenance and are easy to own. They do not produce a lot of dander and have minimal shedding. The puppies may take after the qualities of either parent breed. Typically they are small as pups are remain small-framed as adults.

Owners of these pets should provide the adequate space needed for the dogs to remain active. These dogs require room to run, play and especially exercise. Cockapoos have big appetites and if not watched, can overeat and gain excess weight. Overall, this animal is a good pet for most households.

The friendliness, intelligence, low-maintenance can and fun personalities of Cockapoo puppies make them a popular pet choice. This animals is often a mix of Poodle and American or English Spaniel. Other variations are possible. The breed a Cockapoo will take from will differ. It is standard for these dogs to be small, have fur that is tan, cream or white, and a freckled, spotted or solid coat. Although they make popular pets, these and other mixes are not referred to as a breed by many dog associations.

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