Monday, January 14, 2013

Learn What Causes UTI in Dogs And What You Can Do About It

By Geraldine Dimarco

One of the most inconvenient diseases people have to deal with is urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, our pets are liable to acquire this ailment as well. It may not be as deadly as some other canine sicknesses; but it is something we still need to take seriously to prevent it from happening to our pets. We do this by finding out what causes UTI in dogs and how to effectively deal with it when it comes our way.

What are animal urinary infections? As with human beings, UTI in dogs causes severe discomfort to its victim. It is often a painful disease that nobody wants to ever suffer from. We usually can manage our situations and control the factors that may contribute to it; however our canine friends cannot. Urinary diseases are a common ailment dogs go through-around 14% of dogs from all over the world to be more exact.

We need to identify what causes UTI in dogs so that we know what we must avoid to prevent our pets from having to needlessly suffer from it. Bacteria gain access to the dog's system generally through food and water. When the bacteria enter the body, it inflames the urethra and bladder which is how UTI arises. If we fail to detect and treat it accordingly, the infection can spread to other organs and will produce health complications.

Another possible cause is a nervous system disorder wherein the canine is unable to discharge urine completely. Tumors in the bladder and other diseases that curb the animal's immune system are also reasons for development of UTI. It is essential that you are vigilant with any changes in your pet so you can address the problem in the early phases of the sickness.

What are the symptoms you should watch out for with regard to this particular disease? A dog is most likely to have something wrong in the internal functioning of his body when he develops unusual urinating habits. Dehydration will make him drink more water than normal and you will also notice frequent urination.

In most cases, UTI in dogs causes the animal to strain while eliminating, and soreness in the abdominal area. Inspect his urine; if it has a foul smell or contain traces of blood, you must bring him to the vet for immediate testing. You must get an accurate diagnosis of his condition to be able to know what steps you must take to treat him properly.

A lot of times, UTI in dogs causes strain to the animal when he pees. Examine the urine, a foul smell or traces of blood may be a reason for serious concern. If these symptoms are accompanied by intense pain in his abdomen go to the vet for correct diagnosis immediately. You need to know so you can take the necessary steps to treat it.

Berberis vulgaris, juniper berry, uva ursi and cantharsis are some of the natural remedies that you can try. Always have a fresh supply of distilled water available to your pet. You can put in a few drops of apple cider vinegar in his water for three to four days to help cure UTI. Cranberry juice is also an effective home remedy you can use.

Prevent sickness by providing your pet a nutritional diet and vitamin rich supplements that will boost their immune systems. Maintain a clean and orderly living environment to guarantee your dog's best health today.

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