Monday, January 14, 2013

Mold Your Dog With Dog Training Tips

By Ian Pomerantz

A well-trained dog is one which you can enjoy more. Well-trained, social dogs are lots of fun to be around. If you want to have a better bond with your dog, keep reading.

Specific feeding habits should be established with your dog. He has to know when the food will arrive and it should be on schedule, but he also needs to know when the food will be removed again. Soon, your pet will finish the meal before you're ready to remove its dish.

When you are house training your puppy, remember, what goes in, must come out. Feed your pooch several times daily at the same hour. By scheduling your feedings, you will be able to determine when you should take your dog out. This can greatly reduce the number of accidents.

It is vital to keep some slack in the leash when you are trying to train a dog. This gives your dog the option to explore and walk around freely. Because they are so eager, they will probably strain the leash. A good dog trainer will work to discourage this and teach the dog to walk with a bit of slack on the leash.

Avoid accidents if you want to housebreak your dog. Pay attention for signs that your dog needs to go outside. Pacing and whining are common signs. Don't put it off when your dog is doing these things. Immediately take your dog outside to the official restroom spot. Praise him for a job well done. Do this consistently and he will always let you know when he needs to go outside.

"Shake-can" training can be very effective. Put a few coins in an empty soda can and seal it. If your dog performs an unwanted behavior, shake the can. This will give your dog a start and stop the bad behavior. Eventually, your dog will get the idea that the behavior is not allowed. Just shake your can a single time, because doing so more often will result in desensitization.

Train a dog through positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement training focuses on rewarding desired behaviors, not on punishing undesirable behaviors. If you rely solely on negative reinforcement, it is possible that your pet may become frightened and resentful of you. When you give positive reinforcement, your dog will crave it.

When you correct your dog verbally, those corrections should be short and focused on the behavior. Do not whine and complain to your pet about their bad behavior. Just say no and show them the behavior you expect. Make sure your voice sounds firm and businesslike.

Research to find out if your training path fits your dog's specific breed. Some breeds experience difficulty learning right away, or may simply have stubborn personalities. There are many different dog breeds and successfully training different breeds may require unique methods of training.

For dogs that bark unnecessarily, do not shout at your dog. Raising your voice to counteract unwanted barking can come across as a positive reinforcement, confusing your dog. This feedback makes the dog know that they are not supposed to be barking at what it is they are barking at.

Alter your tone when speaking to your dog during your training. Use a clearly defined tone for different commands, encouragement or directives. This makes it easier for the dog to link your expectations with different behaviors. Be firm with your command, speak louder to reprimand your dog and take a softer voice to praise your dog. Stick with positive reinforcement when it comes to training your dog. Give your dog positive reinforcement if they do a good job. You should not hit or yell at your dog. This makes the dog think you are imbalanced. Firmness, positivity and consistency are the keys to solid puppy training.

If you ever use your dog's individual name in a warning mode or tone, make sure that you complement that with three or four positive uses too. You don't want to train your dog to be scared to come when called or to think you're mad every time you use its name.

Dogs are like people when it comes to the fact that they all learn in very different ways. An example of this is the difference in positive and negative methods and their effects on different personalities. If you are not getting any results with your current strategies, take a different approach.

Be flexible with your training your dog methods. When you are flexible, you will be better able to teach. Tweak the technique until you find a plan that works for you and your dog. Always buy a crate that is the correct size for your dog so you can train them well. As your dog gets older, he will probably grow larger. Choose a crate that is a good enough size for an adult for when your puppy grows. Dogs need room to move about and lie down, and they should not be cramped.

Dogs need an hour or more of exercise each day, aside from their potty breaks. Ensuring your dog gets thorough exercise will cause your training sessions to be much more effective, which will encourage your dog to behave better. A dog that's well exercised is a responsive and content dog. Old habits die hard, even in dogs. If a dog's owner allowed it to jump on people or sleep on furniture, it will take a long time to teach it to change this behavior. Behaviors that are addressed at a young age are easier to change than others. Use positive reinforcement when training your dog. Ignore his negative behaviors. Negative reinforcements may cause the dog to fear you. Positive reinforcement helps dogs do more positive things to gain praise and rewards. You can relax and enjoy your pet more if you take the time to train him properly. If your pet is particularly problematic, you may be tempted to give up. Fight these feelings away and focus on your goals to train and discipline your pet. The advice in this article will ensure that your training is successful.

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