Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Necessity For A Cancer Social Network

By Dorothea Garner

Most countries offer a cancer awareness period during the year. It reminds people of the disease. However, patients have to live with it all the time. For this reason a cancer social network for people is a great option. This is the place where there is ample support and assistance in difficult times.

In this way, patients and survivors can be connected all over the world. This is a means of getting into many homes all over the country and the world where people deal with this. The network would allow them to contact each other and be there to communicate, share difficulties and make survival tips available. This is where the same level of sharing can happen as with other networks.

This is where you create a profile, add your details such as your age, your contact details and whatever you prefer to share with other people. Your sharing would be about the type of disease and related things, which makes it different to others. You are able to share about your treatments and your preferred therapies.

It will also assist others if you could share your doctor and his details with them. This does help a great deal especially if you know he or she can help others too. The questions and issues you have, especially as a new patient has the potential to be answered here. By sharing your profile, comments and similar experiences will be of great help. It is especially so if people have similar types.

It is the best place to find quick answers as many can answer questions, as they might have had similar experiences. Personal photographs are allowed and can also contain images, cartoons and messages that would inspire. The photos could be an encouragement from those who have been in remission and what their lives are like after cancer.

Chemotherapy often causes hair loss and here you could share your photos of whether you have had hair loss or not. Photographs could also show that you do necessarily have to go through this as not everyone suffer from it. If you do loose your hair, there are many ways to deal with it. Head covers of all sorts could be used. Caps and scarves are popular.

Hearing about your disease, most friends and family often think that it would change your appearance. Personal photos can assist others to see that it does not always happen. They will the place to leave comments and be part of discussions and help with encouraging you.

The role here is ultimately to serve as a group to support one another. For some people it might also be easier to share their personal experiences on a platform such as this. If you are attending support sessions this could also serve as a substitute if you cannot always get to it.

Here patients who are in remission have the space to share similar experiences with others in the same situation. As another very difficult period, they can find encouragement as well. The need is for people to feel comfortable and comforted within the network.

This is the place where you can share all you want, is where there is a cancer social network available. People are going through similar experiences and can therefore talk about it here. It is about sharing all that is needed to find support.

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