Friday, January 4, 2013

Try These Dog Training Tips For Maximum Success

By Tracy Petitt

Many folks work to keep their home clean, and a large part of doing so is making your your dog is thoroughly trained. But there still are many who are unaware of how to correctly train a dog, and you really must gain as much knowledge about training as possible. Use the tips in this article to help you learn how to train your dog.

Make sure you know your dog's grooming needs based off his or her breed. Certain breeds do not need much grooming, whereas others requires detailed, regular grooming. A dog who is properly cleaned and groomed is protected against sickness and is more comfortable and easygoing.

Don't ever assume that a dog won't bite. Untrained dogs may believe they are the leader and you are just a member of the pack. You have to display alpha behavior in order to show your pet you are the boss. When your dog does not understand your behavior, they could possibly bite you.

Try to limit the amount of accidents your dog has while toilet training. Learn the signs that your dog needs to use the restroom. Some of the most common and obvious displays include whining, sniffing and pacing. Don't put it off when your dog is doing these things. Get his leash so you can take him to the designated potty area. Whenever he relieves himself in an appropriate time and place, he should be praised immediately. Before long, he will be able to ask you to take him out.

Whenever you go for walk with your dog, keep your eyes peeled for other dogs. You have no idea how well trained the other dog is. If you come across an aggressive dog, make sure to steer your own dog clear of it.

Learn to take cues from your dog. If you see that your dog is uncomfortable in a new situation, such as meeting strangers, don't force them. Your dog has his reasons for discomfort, and you should give him a little space. If you put too much pressure on your dog you might cause it to react violently.

Successful canine training for walks means being aware of any dogs or other animals you will encounter while walking. Some dogs tend to be aggressive, and it's not safe to assume that every dog owner is responsible. Take care to avoid coming into contact with any animal that appears overly aggressive or antisocial.

Start your training sessions with a treat for each successful command. Once they become more familiar with the order, you do not have to give a treat every time and can gradually reduce the amount of treats you give. A good tip is to make sure you are aware if other dogs are present when you are walking your dog. Certain dogs have an aggressive streak - don't be under the assumption that the owner has taken the time to train them. If you happen upon an aggressive dog, walk away from the aggressive dog.

If you are going to play fetch the ball with your dog, establish that you are the master by not moving and waiting for your dog to bring the ball back to you. If your dog drops the ball nearby and you walk to pick the ball up, your dog assumes he is the leader. By making it clear that you expect your dog to return the ball, you are showing that you are the natural leader and that you have clear expectations for him. Make sure you establish feeding routines and times for your dog. You can set a firm schedule by teaching the dog to anticipate that the food will be removed within 10 to 15 minutes of the start of mealtime. Your dog will quickly finish their meal before you remove their dish.

Dogs are like people when it comes to the fact that they all learn in very different ways. When a dog thinks he's the boss, he may need some negative reinforcement, while a complacent dog will need positive reinforcement. If you are failing with your method, try something new.

You need to keep it real about what you expect from your dog When dog's have learned certain behaviors over the years, or from a previous owner, it can take quite a while to alter said behavior. One thing that will make it easier to change your dog's ways is early training. Even after many years, reminding your pet of lessons received as a puppy will help.

When you're training your dog, it is important that you understand primary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement is a positive reinforcement training strategy that relies heavily on things your dog already enjoys. Rewards can be rubbing a dog's belly or giving it a treat. This helps teach your dog that he can get exactly what he wants. Sometimes dogs bark for nothing more than boredom. It is your fault if your dog barks from boredom. You have to give him the opportunity to get his energy out. Because of this, make sure you set aside playtime for your dog and regularly walk him or her. If you are not at home, let him play with chew toys.

Make sure a reward is always handy for whenever the dog does what you want. You want your pet to know that you are pleased with his behavior. Your dog will soon learn the difference between good and bad behavior.

Avoid reacting the wrong way toward unwanted behavior. If you seem to be amused by unacceptable behavior, your dog will assume his behavior is acceptable and will do it again. This will seriously delay your training process and lead to quite a bit of frustration for you. Regardless of how entertaining your dog's misbehavior may be, you must correct it consistently.

Avoid using edible treats and food as the only means of encouraging or discouraging a specific behavior. Food is necessary to a dog's survival, so you should offer other types of rewards. In addition to you giving food, you need to pet your dog as well, and praise it for good behavior.

Having a successful show dog is nice for owner and pet. This article will give you some great ideas on training your pet. While no one method is right for every one, something here should help you in your training efforts.

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