Monday, December 22, 2014

Discover The Benefits Of Owning TICA Registered Ragdoll Kittens

By Stacey Burt

For the cat fancier, owning a cat registered with The International Cat Association, or TICA, can b e an important choice. This registry is the largest in the world. It contains the genetic records of the most famous cats, and a trusted source for the popular Ragdoll breed.

These are a popular breed of cats. Families with children and pets look for TICA registered Ragdoll kittens because of their adaptability. The large, soft kitties calmly play with kids and dogs. Learning what might be currently available for purchase can be easily accomplished at an online website. The established catteries post histories of their accomplished award winners and photo galleries of available new kittens. They seek to maintain highest standards for breeding and educating families about how to care for the precious Rags.

Because Ragdolls flop over loving arms when held, they earned their name from the old fashioned soft playthings. Floppy pets have been known to allow dress up play, being dragged onto laps, and being carried around the house by little ones. They are simply calm and good natured animals.

For anyone who adores petting a soft coat of fur, the extreme softness of Rags is pretty irresistible. Though not completely a short hair, the moderate length really only needs basic brushing and some extra pick up of loose fur when these cats shed, about two times each year. Fall and spring are the two seasons when extra, but easy, clean up is necessary. A damp cloth is pretty much all that is required, and they do not generally lose much fur.

There are three kinds of Ragdoll kittens. The mitted variety has white front paws. The colorpoint has the classic colored ears, mask, paws and tails of this famous Siamese. Bicolor Rags have areas of white in larger amounts on their legs, stomachs and backs, including a distinct V inverted on their faces. Avoiding buying from anyone who claims to have a newly developed or rare color is best. There are only three classic colorings recognized by the standard registry associations. Variations are generally considered to be inferior and are not accepted.

Be aware that kittens will grow up to become large cats. Females and males will range in weight from ten to twenty pounds, respectively. Not considered overweight, they carry weight over longer legs and bodies.

These cats have large blue eyes, and pleasing, rounder faces. With intriguing, inquisitive glances, many believe them to be quite intelligent. The best breeders encourage their cats to be healthy by giving them excellent food, and allowing them to roam freely throughout their homes. Keeping feline diseases in check is accomplished by rigorous testing, appropriate vaccinations, and DNA tests for genetic strengths. Cats often grow up having never been in a cage at the highest quality establishments. Many participate regularly in shows in order to ensure socialization and excellence.

When children are part of the home, a TICA Ragdoll kitten is a wonderful choice. Families find that these friendly cats do well with the hustle and bustle normally found in homes. Contacting an established cattery is the best way to learn about ways that one of these large, yet soft, living dolls might become part of a welcoming home. Look online for top breeders carrying logos on their Internet websites that establish their membership and relationship with standard registries. Consulting these experts will bring assurance that a healthy happy kitty comes to its new home.

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