Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Goldendoodle Breeder Is Breeding A Family Pet For You

By Teri Farley

As Goldendoodles have become popular in a short period of time, the number of breeders has grown. A goldendoodle breeder is no longer hard to find. Pet owners have quickly learned to love the affectionate, intelligent and engaging traits of this Golden Retriever and Poodle hybrid. At the moment the puppies are bred from a standard sized parent.

The Labradoodle breeding program for a low shedding guide dog worked out so well it inspired smaller crossbreeds. To counter this trend a Groodle was initially bred to offer a bigger sized dog. The hybrid first appeared in Australia and North America in the last decade of the 20th century. There was a rise in demand as its reputation for the disposition of a Golden Retriever without its shedding characteristic became known.

Golden Retrievers are known to be a great family pet with a sweet and loyal temperament. They are intelligent and easily trained. Temperamentally they are relatively calm once they grow out of the puppy stage. A Poodle breed is also an intelligent dog. The Golden Poo has an ancestry in both parent lines of hunters and water dogs. Physical appearance ranges between a shaggy looking retriever to a curl relaxed Poodle. Usually the appearance will fall somewhere between the two.

This pet will enjoy playing and early training is recommended. With early instruction, the puppy catches on quickly. The owner will need to demonstrate leadership for this Golden Retriever progeny. Being firm and consistent will bring dividends. A moderate amount of exercise is the norm. Its owners say their pets are sociable and enjoy engaging with other canines and interacting with people.

This dog will love to do tricks and catches on quickly. Current owners advise there is some type of training every day. Rewarding obedient behavior with treats will help train the puppy and reward the patience of the owner. Kennel training may help in quicker house breaking of the puppy. It may also have side benefit of curbing destructive puppyhood behavior. Once the puppy has been trained the kennel outlives its useful purpose.

A poodle coat means need for lots of grooming. You may need to brush the coat daily and bathe your regularly. As with Poodles, the hair will become matted if it is not regularly maintained. To prevent overheating, shaving the hair in the summer may be required. The length grows to between 4 to8 inches. The color of the coat can vary between cream, apricot, gold, chocolate, black, gray, parti or a phantom hue.

Most puppies are a first generation crosses. This means they will have hybrid vigor. In breeding terminology this means that the first cross between purebred lines produces a healthier offspring that than either of the parent lines. With more inbreeding, vigor is gradually reduced.

Breeders have bred first gen Groodles to poodles in order to increase the allergy friendly coat trait. The first generation may not replicate the Poodle coat as closely. Breeding programs are also working on multi generational offspring. The road to establishing a breed standard has begun with this action. Since 1999, a miniature has become available. Dr. Kate Schoeffel, an Australian breeder, was the first to introduce a miniature. A goldendoodle breeder is available nearby with the puppy you will want to bring home with you.

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