Monday, June 3, 2013

By Tyrone Sojka

Carpenter ants are large ants. In fact they are some of biggest found in the United States. They may be up to a half-inch in length. Most are black, but some could have a red or yellow color. Homeowners can find help getting rid of these pests with a Hudson pest control company.

These ants may be found both inside the home and in the area surrounding it. Their habitat includes hollow, wet or decaying wood. They cut tunnels and galleries in the grain of rotting wood in which they nest. Nesting locations are often indicated by wood shavings and dead ant parts on the ground underneath the gallery.

Although termites consume the fibers they remove from wood, these ants are not wood eaters. Their preferred diet includes many of the foods humans often consume. Meats and sweets are some of their favorites.

Each colony has a queen who can live up to 25 years. She will begin laying the first year, producing 9-16 eggs. Eggs have a 6-12 week life cycle.

Worker ants or swarmers may be the first indication of a problem. Workers are usually outside the nest foraging for food that will be brought back. As colonies grow, some ants may leave the original one in a swarm. This is an indication that the original is well established. Other indicators of a problem are the wood shavings left by the ants work. In some cases, home occupants will note a rustling noise caused by the ants as they work.

With early intervention, serious structural damage to a home or other building can be avoided. However, if the ants are allowed to continue their work for an extended time, they can cause considerable damage. If an infestation is suspected, homeowners will want to contact a Hudson pest control company to ensure the nest is eliminated.

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