Sunday, June 9, 2013

Standard Poodle Breeders Have Knowledge

By Lora Jones

Finding standard poodle breeders is not difficult if you know where and how to look. The Internet has a lot of resources for finding the right ones. Call them and ask what pups they have for sale. Determine whether or not you want a male or female. You may also want to get a pup when they are older. Most breeders sell them at eight weeks of age which some people think is too young.

If the pup is taken from the mother too early, this can be quite a problem. Ask the expert about this as soon as you can. Behavior problems can arise if the pup did not get enough attention or nurturing at a young age. Some experts want to just make the money and do not care about the quality and care. Use your intuition about such things.

Poodles require a lot of attention because they are very intelligent. They have a sharp memory and can learn things very easily. Evaluate your availability before you buy one. If you get attached after you get one, it will be a very hard situation to be in. Avoid this is best by deciding this before you get it.

Ask the expert about pricing and if the pup is AKC quality. That usually means that both mother and father were AKC and this ensures that the pup has a good lineage behind them. This can help if you want to show them later in dog shows. You may also just want that quality for them in general because it is a good sign that they will be easy to train. The American Kennel Club ensures that.

After you know the price, determine whether or not you can afford it. Check your monthly budget and determine if it is affordable. You may need to sign an informal contract with the seller after purchasing. This may be for your records and theirs. They need to keep track of all people that they sell to.

Call around to various professionals to get an idea of what is out there. Do not just settle for the first thing that comes your way. There are listings in many places such as pet stores, classified ads online and in newspapers, friends and family and other forms of word of mouth, and online websites that you can search for if you do a diligent search.

This type of interest can be fun for your whole family. If you have children, ask them to help you pick a puppy out that you wall want and that you have an affinity to. You may have this critter in your home for many years so it is good to have a good rapport with him or her from the very beginning.

Standard poodle breeders are most likely located in your home town or nearby. Hopefully, you will not have to travel too far to find one. If you do, just know it is worth the travel as this new family member will be a great asset to your home. Teaching your children to reach out even with strangers is wise as long as they are careful.

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