Saturday, June 8, 2013

Taking Care Of Fido: Dog Care Tips

By Sally Byrd

Are you finding that your local food store does not offer the kind of food that you would like to feed your dog? A lot of people agree with you. People often make sure they're doing right by their dogs. These tips will help you learn more about the kind of top-quality care your canine friend deserves.

Your home must be dog-proofed. It should be perfectly safe before you bring a dog in. All cleaning materials and drugs must be put away, and put your trash receptacle inside a cabinet. Keep house plants out of his reach, especially if they could be poisonous.

Whenever you bring your dog along on vacations, take a quick snapshot of him and keep it on your phone. By doing this, in case your dog gets lost, you can provide others with a picture and easily put up flyers, which will assist in finding your dog.

If you have medication for you or a family member, be certain your dog cannot reach it. Swallowing a couple pills could can serious health issues, even heart attacks and seizures. Make sure you have your veterinarian's number handy in case your dog does accidentally swallow your medicine.

You can always choose to foster a dog for a few weeks if you're not sure about making the full commitment of dog ownership. Thousands of animals are living in shelters, which is less than ideal for many dogs, while they wait for a chance to be adopted. Become a foster parent to test the waters.

Be careful with canine flea treatments. Some medicines can put your children in harms way. Ask your vet for recommendations instead, and keep children away while you're applying flea treatments.

Keep a dog tag on your dog at all times. A good way to ensure your dog is returned if he is lost is to attach an identification tag to his collar. Make sure that a current telephone number and the dog's name are included on the tag. Another good thing to do would be to have a micro-chip put in your dog.

Brushing your pup daily can do much more than reduce shedding in your home. It'll also give them a very beautiful and shiny coat. Brushing helps evenly distribute the oils in the fur and skin, which keeps things looking shiny, healthy and soft.

Your dog must learn to walk on a leash correctly. Your dog should know how to heel and not behind you or ahead of you. This will not only make your walks more enjoyable, but it will also help keep your dog safe. Even if you're using loose leashes for walking here and there, make sure the dog understands this command.

Follow through according to your vet's suggestions if your dog needs something special or has medicine. The dog may not be fond of the treatment or medication, but it's for its health. Vet recommendations are for the health and well-being of your dog and failure to adhere to them could result in serious problems.

When selecting a new dog to come and live with an existing dog, take your current dog to meet him if at all possible. While dogs are naturally social, some find it easier to get along with newcomers than others. If you find one that gets along with your current one, you'll save yourself a lifetime of headaches.

A foster home is something you can provide for a dog that needs it. Many homeless and abused animals are waiting in shelters for someone to adopt them and with over-crowding, resources are slim. Fostering will help you become adapted to the life of a pet owner, and you will be making a difference in the life of a dog at the same time!

You cannot judge a dog's health by the coldness and wetness of its nose alone. There are a lot of reasons your dog might have a cold and wet nose. You can tell how your dog is feeling by watching his appetite and energy levels. They give you a better indication as to the state of your dog's health. A rectal thermometer will come in handy to see if your dog is feverish.

You have to keep your dog as clean as you are. While a dog doesn't need a daily bath, they at least need a bath once a week. A clean dog will be less likely to develop skin problems and will help you keep your house clean.

If you're thinking about getting a dog, you may want to enlist in a dog training class. You will have a better life, and so will your dog, if you train it well and teach it to obey the commands you give it. Even though a puppy is easier to train, it is still possible to train an older dog.

You need to take your dog for a walk at least once a day. Your dog needs some fresh air, some exercise and going for a walk is a great opportunity to discover new smells and perhaps meet other dogs. This is key to its development and growth, so walking your dog is a priority.

Find a good training course for your new puppy. A well-trained dog who responds properly to commands is a happy dog. You will be happier with him, too. While training a puppy is usually easier, it is far from impossible to train an older dog that you might acquire.

If you have a dog that chews constantly, buy him rawhide bones or dog toys. These are made just for dogs and will allow your pet to have something to chew on besides your home's furnishings. You can buy them at the pet store or at any big retail store.

Busy dogs are happy dogs. A huge problem for many dogs is lack of stimulation. When dogs become bored they can begin displaying destructive behavior. A good lesson to remember is that tired dogs tend to be happier. By ensure that your dog gets enough physical and mental exercise, you're more likely to have a dog that behaves well.

Dog ownership is not a decision that should be made on a whim. Your dog must be cared for as carefully as you would take care of a child. He must have what he needs to thrive. It's not going to be easy at first, but you should have the skills needed now to care for your pet. Use the tips from this article to take good care of your dog and get help from your veterinarian if you need to.

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