Monday, January 27, 2014

Why A Rat Removal Company Is The Quickest & Easiest Solution For A Rodent Infestation

By Dave L. Weglin

Rodent infestation is a serious headache for all too many farmers, home and business owners. As well as their potential for spreading diseases (some of which can be potentially fatal), rodents can cause tremendous destruction wherever they choose to settle. In cases of significant infestation, a rat removal company may be quickest, easiest solution to the problem.

Damaged electrical wiring, contaminated food, urine and droppings are just three problems that these rodents can bring. For many home owners, these issues can be infuriating but not necessarily a disaster. For business owners and farmers, rodent-induced damage and spoilage can lead to a considerable loss of stock and revenue.

Despite their unsavoury reputation, rats are in fact shy animals and will steer clear of humans as much as possible. They prefer to go about their business of feeding and mating in peace and safety and will set up home in places where they can avoid disturbance. Some of their most favoured nesting places are under-floor areas, lofts, attics and burrows.

Since they are relatively shy creatures, if they are seen (living or dead) this can be an indication that large numbers of them are present. Tracks in grass and other vegetation is another tell-tale sign, as they like to forage through familiar territory. Other evidence of rodent activity can include things like tooth marks and debris from chewing, urine, droppings, paw-prints and footprints.

The potential of these pests to spread disease is also a concern. While it's relatively unusual for humans to contract disease from rodents, it's none the less a danger that should be kept in mind. Hands should be washed with a an anti-bacterial wash immediately after coming into contact with rodents or their hair, scat, or dander (dead skin cells).

It goes without saying that handling of wild rodents is best left to pest control experts. There is a danger of scratching and biting from animals that feel they are under threat. If circumstances demand that they are handled, protective gloves should be worn, and medical help should be sought immediately if one suffers a bite or scratch.

Due to their reclusive nature, rodents can be difficult to track down and fully eradicate. They are wary of anything unfamiliar in their favoured territories, and will often bypass bait and traps. This is where hiring a rat removal company can pay dividends. They have the experience and know-how to root out these animals and destroy them efficiently and humanely.

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