Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Adorable Jumping Spiders For Sale

By Annabelle Holman

Jumping spiders, called Salticidae, live all round the world. There are more than five thousand of different species of them, and some look really attractive, vividly colored and distinctively looking. Their specialty is their ability to jump across large distances. Funny little jumping spiders for sale are available online, and you will certainly find really attractive ones to keep them in your home.

Thanks to the shape and size of their eyes, these little things have an excellent vision. They are very good hunters, mostly hunting small insects. When it comes to jumping, each can jump over fifty of its body length, some species even eighty. Their legs aren't really muscular, and the secret is in increasing the blood pressure in their legs just before taking a jump.

They make very interesting pets, because they are really friendly. If you look at your spider, it will look back at you, and follow you with its large and distinctive eyes wherever you go. He will even jump on your finger. Some species are particularly attractive, vividly colored and haired. These spiders are active during the day, and that's why their colors are so interesting. If the weather is bad, they will hide.

They are interesting and efficient hunters as well. They move slowly towards their prey, until they are ready to jump and grab it with their jaws. To make sure they won't fall down, they release safety lifespans, and even if they miss, they are safe from falling. They can produce these tiny silk lines and make silk chambers, but they don't make characteristic spider webs.

Females are larger, but males have more interesting colors. Their front legs are shorter, but often haired and vividly colored. They use them in their courting rituals, waving with them, to make their females see how incredibly powerful they are. When it works, they mate. Females lay their eggs into silk made shelters, taking very good care of them.

These small and interesting species of Arachnids are very distinctive, thanks to their frontal eyes position. Some are particularly attractive. Their bodies are built of two segments. Cephalothorax is the fusion of spider's head and thorax, and its abdomen is behind it. All four pairs of legs are attached to cephalothorax. All four pairs of eyes are also spaced on the dorsal surface of the frontal body region.

They live for about one year mostly, although there are some species that live longer. In colder climates, their lifespan is prolonged, thanks to the period of hibernation. Mostly active during the day, at night they usually hide in their small chambers made of silk, usually attached to some plant or placed under rocks.

During their growing period, they have to shed their skin for a few times. This process is called molting. During that time, they have to hide in their silk chambers as well. Most species molt five to six times before they become adults. Small, jumping and funny, these attractive small creatures make really interesting pets. They are friendly and special beings, and keep your homes free of insects.

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